Barlow's Beef: What exactly is a 'garden village'?

Barlow's Beef: What exactly is a 'garden village'?

Macclesfield General Hospital is bursting at the seams. Last week they made an appeal for people to stay away from A&E unless they have a dire emergency.…
Barlow's Beef: What's the difference between CEC and a dormouse?

Barlow's Beef: What's the difference between CEC and a dormouse?

'Huge disappointment as town's views have been ignored in Local Plan,' screamed our Wilmslow headline on Dec 21. Councillor Keith Purdom for the Wilmslow…
Barlow's Beef: The old boy network is dead it's time to bring on the girls

Barlow's Beef: The old boy network is dead it's time to bring on the girls

What an incredible year 2016 turned out to be. Having spent half my life in the USA I thought I understood the culture well enough to predict the obvious.…
Barlow's Beef: Let us all hold hands

Barlow's Beef: Let us all hold hands

Ten years ago a good friend, more experienced in the world of politics than I, expressed a view that democracy was slowly evaporating. He truly believed…
Barlow's Beef: Who reads the small print on our behalf?

Barlow's Beef: Who reads the small print on our behalf?

This year has been a strange one don't you think? Both globally and locally nothing has gone as predicted. I'm guessing pollsters are going to find their…
Barlow's Beef: Are schools fighting the tide on holiday absence?

Barlow's Beef: Are schools fighting the tide on holiday absence?

For most family summer holidays are now over... or are they? Flights to The Canary Islands, Spain and Portugal are now extremely low. I was offered a…
Barlow's Beef: Can we do 'pay as you go' for CEC top execs?

Barlow's Beef: Can we do 'pay as you go' for CEC top execs?

When David Parr became chief executive of the old Macclesfield Borough Council in 2001 he radically changed the management structure appointing his own…
Barlow's Beef: We are all in this together

Barlow's Beef: We are all in this together

Remember the financial collapse of 2009 when David Cameron declared: "We are all in this together which is why we'll freeze public sector pay for all…
Barlow's Beef: The problem with democracy

Barlow's Beef: The problem with democracy

Unlike public 'consultations' where the end result is decided before the process begins. The problem with true democracy for politicians is it states…
Barlow's Beef: Has the EU debate left you confused?

Barlow's Beef: Has the EU debate left you confused?

Like most people I've swung this way and that on my voting intentions in the forthcoming EU Referendum. Over the past few weeks the quality of debate…
Barlow's Beef: My Fawlty Towers retail experience

Barlow's Beef: My Fawlty Towers retail experience

This week my printer self-combusted leaving me unable to complete a number of outstanding jobs. With retailers under pressure from Internet sales I decided…
Barlow's Beef : Another monumental blunder from Cheshire East

Barlow's Beef : Another monumental blunder from Cheshire East

Here we go again. You have to feel a touch of sympathy for all those hard working employees at Cheshire East. They get tarred with the same brush as the…
Barlow's Beef: It's good to touch the green green grass of home (before it's gone)

Barlow's Beef: It's good to touch the green green grass of home (before it's gone)

I've just read a letter in our parish magazine urging residents to make representations during the public consultation period ending April 19. 'To date…
Barlow's Beef: Parking policy can drive trade away

Barlow's Beef: Parking policy can drive trade away

Whilst I live in Macclesfield my classes and canine behaviour clinics require me to spend a lot of time in both Wilmslow and Alderley. I love the area…
Barlow's Beef: I can't tell you how tickled I am

Barlow's Beef: I can't tell you how tickled I am

'Clap along if you know what happiness is to you...' I was so happy this morning when I discovered Cheshire East was the 'happiest place in England' that…
Barlow's Beef: Gym jam at the leisure centre

Barlow's Beef: Gym jam at the leisure centre

When I'm stressed I have a tried and tested antidote... I go to the gym. Having been a marathon runner in my not too distant past I always enjoy the relaxation…
Barlow's Beef: What are your new year resolutions?

Barlow's Beef: What are your new year resolutions?

After considerable thought I have my New Year Resolutions sorted. First and foremost I want to take offence. I am absolutely hopeless at holding a grudge…