Reader's Letter: A34 problem path - Update

Reader's Letter: A34 problem path - Update

Last November, I wrote to express my frustration about the condition of the shared use path on the A34 opposite Alderley Park South Entrance. Until January…
Readers Letter: Dangerous Zebra Crossing needs urgent attention

Readers Letter: Dangerous Zebra Crossing needs urgent attention

Inspired by the reader's letter from Helen Battilana, I and many other local residents and councillors have grave concerns for the safety of pedestrians…
Reader's Letter: Dangerous path needs attention

Reader's Letter: Dangerous path needs attention

Opposite the south entrance to Alderley Park in Nether Alderley is a designated shared use path, intended for use by pedestrians and cyclists. It runs…
Reader's Letter: Imbecilic anti-social boy racers back again!

Reader's Letter: Imbecilic anti-social boy racers back again!

Whilst welcoming the return of summer and its light mornings, lighter evenings and warmer, sunnier weather that allows us to sit in and enjoy our gardens,…
Reader's Letter: Congleton Road

Reader's Letter: Congleton Road

Please see above photographs which I took yesterday on my way home. Isn't it a shame that we have dedicated residents in our village keeping it tidy and…
Reader's Letter: Renovated cast iron signposts

Reader's Letter: Renovated cast iron signposts

Lovely to see the two newly refurbished cast iron fingerposts at the junctions of Welsh Row/Congleton Road, and Artists Lane/Macclesfield Road. They were…
Reader's Photo: Flood water being pumped from A34 into Whitehall Brook after Storm Barra

Reader's Photo: Flood water being pumped from A34 into Whitehall Brook after Storm Barra

Peter Taylor sent us these photos taken whilst he went for a walk along the Wilmslow bypass to the railway bridge this morning (Friday, 10th December). …
Reader's Letter: Time to decide on Police and Crime Commissioner

Reader's Letter: Time to decide on Police and Crime Commissioner

Ever wondered about what the Police and Crime Commissioner does for your money? This Thursday's local elections include the chance to vote for a Lib Dem,…
Reader’s Letter: Lack of respect for our dearly departed

Reader’s Letter: Lack of respect for our dearly departed

I visited my parents grave yesterday morning and another plot close by was being opened in order to receive a newly deceased member of our community.…
Reader's Letter: A34 Bypass - Would you use this road looking at these facts?

Reader's Letter: A34 Bypass - Would you use this road looking at these facts?

I just wanted to comment on the latest crash on the A34 Bypass at Nether Alderley. It is clear over the last few years this section of the bypass which…
Reader's Letter: Can't read, won't read?

Reader's Letter: Can't read, won't read?

Monday morning in the Carrs after a weekend of glorious weather for picnics in the park. In spite of Cheshire East's pleas, some members of the public…
Reader's Letter: Call for action on weekend sports vehicles events

Reader's Letter: Call for action on weekend sports vehicles events

Residents of Wilmslow(RoW) do wish to promote and welcome people to Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and nearby towns, to live and work and for leisure but unfortunately…
Reader's Letter: Am I alone in thinking?

Reader's Letter: Am I alone in thinking?

There is nothing new in groups of photographers capturing images of top of the range cars and especially sports cars and performance uprated saloon cars.…
Reader's Letter: Should the council or the police be acting on this disgusting behaviour?

Reader's Letter: Should the council or the police be acting on this disgusting behaviour?

I just wanted to share what I have just seen on my evening dog walk in the Carrs. I experienced the same yesterday but was hoping it was a one off, but…
Reader's Letter: Development work starts on the Royal London agricultural fields

Reader's Letter: Development work starts on the Royal London agricultural fields

Readers may recall a previous letter that I wrote "The last harvest?" well, things have moved on and, this week, just a few weeks after the tennant farmer…
Reader's Letter: Investigations into Alderley Road flooding cause absolute chaos

Reader's Letter: Investigations into Alderley Road flooding cause absolute chaos

Well the thrirteenth inundation since last July is currently ongoing. Allegedly investigations are being carried out by CEC Highways into why we have…
Reader's Letter: Dog walkers beware in Nether Alderley

Reader's Letter: Dog walkers beware in Nether Alderley

Today, Saturday 8th February, a team of litter pickers were out tidying in Nether Alderley. Happily we thought there was a little less litter than usual…