Reader's Letter: Wilmslow Police Station's useless and ornamental public phone box

Above are three photographs that show the public telephone box on the wall of the Wilmslow Police station.

The instruction is to call 101 to contact a member of the police response customer help team. Spot the problem?

I contacted the Police & Crime Commissioners office on the 3rd October 24, but, thus far, no corrective action has been taken either by the Police or the PPC.

Reader's Letter


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mark Eden
Thursday 24th October 2024 at 9:00 am
We have no bobbies on the beat to deter crime. I see some very dubious people around the village these days ( no not you Hadders!!). There used to be a small police station in Alderley with a cell to lock up miscreants.

Seriously, the politicians have spent the last 60 years wrecking our once wonderful police force. It is hobbled by the politicians with political correctness and there simply aren't the punishments to deter even anti social behaviour. The CPS is a shambles. Law and order has all but gone. We spend billions abroad in foreign aid. How about fixing our broken law and order at home?
Alan Brough
Saturday 26th October 2024 at 6:40 pm
Thank you Mark Eden for making the point that has troubled me for many years.
The Police Service has become progressively emasculated by successive governments of all colours.

Nowadays we have very few front line professional and experienced Police Officers and we rely increasingly on PCSO’s

It’s another form of stealth tax, we pay for (but don’t get) a Police Service whilst crime and insurance premiums increase dramatically.