Allotment holders to open their gates for local hospice

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Despite the cancellation of this year's Alderley Edge May Fair, allotment holders at Chorley Hall Lane have decided to go ahead and host their Open Day on Saturday 18th May.

They will also be raising funds for East Cheshire Hospice, their chosen Charity of the Year, having raised over a £1000 for the local hospice last year.

The award winning allotments will be accessible via the pedestrian gate near the park for the public to have a look around the site and chat to plot holders.

If you are interested in growing your own fruit and vegetables this is your opportunity to find out more. There is no entrance fee and all are welcome.

Val Pearce, Chair of Chorley Hall Lane Allotment Association said, "Please come and support our fund raiser for East Cheshire Hospice. We know it is so important to have such a valuable centre for our community and without local fund raising they couldn't provide their wonderful service. We are obviously disappointed that the Village Fair is not happening this year, but we wanted to ensure our annual fund raiser still happens. We look forward to seeing you"

A pop up cafe will be serving cream teas to raise funds for East Cheshire Hospice, offering a take-away service as well as waitress service.

There will be also be a pop up shop selling homemade preserves, plants and herbs, homemade cakes and more.

Val said "It's best to call early for that Cream Tea, don't be disappointed by leaving it to the last minute because we do sell out! And we also have tables and chairs inside as well as
outside if the weather doesn't play ball! "

Doors open from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 18th May.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Kelvin Briggs
Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 2:54 pm
Great news! The cancellation of the May Fair has had a negative effect on fundraising for a number of village volunteer groups.Vital to support going forward