May Fair cancelled due to new fairground restrictions


Organisers of the Alderley Edge May Fair have announced that this year's celebrations have been cancelled due to the introduction of new restrictions, which the organisers would be unable to meet them in time.

The Alderley Edge May Fair Organising Committee posted "Regrettably, the Alderley Edge May Fair will not be taking place in 2024. Some new restrictions covering the use of the park have been introduced by the authorities, and this will require more infrastructure and planning. As a committee of volunteers, we do not have the time and resources to organise the Fair in May, so we are concentrating on 2025. Thank you for your support."

The popular event, which is organised by a team of volunteers, has been a highlight in the village calendar since it was launched in 2011 by local resident Christine Munro.

May Fair organisers have been informed by ANSA (a council-owned and controlled company) that events which are not predominantly organised as a fairground and wish to include fairground rides are limited to two small rides, event applications to include more than two fairground rides require a separate application - one for the main event and one for the fairground itself, vehicles over 7.5 tonne require trackway over grassed areas and the trackway provider must be stipulated as part of the event application process.

Committee chairperson Paul Marshall explained "I have been speaking with the fairground operator and the traders, and the view of the committee is that it would be a different event without the biggest fairground rides."

He added "Hopefully, with a longer time to plan the event we can come up with the funds to pay for the trackway, and make the application well in advance so that we are sure that the fairground can be included in 2025."

Alderley Edge May Fair


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Alan Leach
Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7:42 pm
I hope this is being challenged….CEC strikes again. They are not fit for purpose and change is needed rapidly .
Pete Taylor
Saturday 23rd March 2024 at 11:17 am
@Alan Leach, I think you may find that these H&S regulations are national and that the insurance industry is the real culprit here. ANSA will have a duty of care obligation to to the public ensure compliance with whatever legal obligations are thrust upon them.
Colin Moore
Sunday 28th April 2024 at 10:38 am
Communication is how planning starts. Without it you miss vital points. I wonder if enough time was allowed for organisers after rule changes were made known.