Plans for new retirement development at Alderley Park refused

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Plans for a new retirement development at Alderley Park in Nether Alderley have been refused.

Planning permission was being sought to build a retirement community comprising of 159 extra care units along with associated healthcare and amenity facilities on the one remaining undeveloped parcel in the southern campus area of Alderley Park.

The sale of this plot of land would contribute towards the new build life science accommodation and to providing key worker housing.

Members of the Strategic Planning Board meeting voted against the proposal at their meeting on Wednesday, 1st March.

Councillor Stewart Gardiner said "I do not see any benefits being accrued beyond the financials."

He added "It is not for the people of Nether Alderley to have to put up with a development that is not in their interest, merely to facilitate the development of the wider aspiration of the park organisation."

Councillor Brian Puddicombe said "There clearly would be a dominating effect over Morris Drive."

He added " It is an extraordinarily expensive development but the life sciences sector is an extraordinarily profitable sector. As far as I am concerned big pharma can pay for itself here."

Councillor Mike Hunter said "This is a massive development, overpowering a residential area and the developer has cannily used the developments of the commercial areas to try and impose a massive and I know one of the councillors said monolithic, and it is monolithic when you've got seven storeys next to three storeys."

The plans were refused unanimously on the grounds that the total number of units is contrary to the Local Plan, overdevelopment in terms of scale and massing, loss of amenity for and overlooking residents of Morris Drive and the lack of affordable on site housing provision.

Nether Alderley Parish Council and Over Alderley Parish Council both objected to the application, along with five local residents. However, the planning officer recommended the plans for approval, concluding "The contribution to the wider objectives associated the delivery of life science employment uses and the wider economic benefits tip the balance in favour of supporting this application."

At the same meeting, members of the Strategic Planning unanimously approved a second application for Alderley Park, for new offices and laboratory buildings.

Planning permission was granted for the demolition of buildings and site clearance for the development of two separate sites, each of which will contain a building for life science uses comprising office/laboratories along with retail and café provision.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 2:41 pm
It’s a Science Park, not a retirement village. If there’s to be more housing, then build it for young scientists please and make it affordable.
Don’t waste the opportunity on the elderly.
Roger Bagguley
Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 3:53 pm
Another good decision on the part of the SRB. It is great to see quality of life for residents taking priority over wealth creation. Very supportive of this new drive to include Affordable units in these massive care home developments. Too many of them being brought forward in this part of Cheshire East.
Letitia Burke
Thursday 9th March 2023 at 11:17 am
It's an Industrial estate ....

Shame trying to mix houses in between office blocks .