More unbelievable parking

Parking remains one of the biggest issues in the village, since launching 4 years ago we have published numerous articles about inconsiderate and illegal parking.

Local residents also contact us on a regular basis to raise their concerns and yesterday we were sent this photo, taken at the junction of Eaton Drive and Ryleys Lane at 4.23pm on Wednesday, 1st June.

Coincidentally I was taken aback to see a car parked in an almost identical position a couple of weeks ago, but I was unable to stop and take a photo as I was in a rush to collect my daughter from school. I can only assume that at the time the driver parked their car they were surrounded by other vehicles.

From time to time we have published photos of what we consider to be ridiculous parking and we thought this one was also worth sharing.

Eric Teasdale, who sent us the photo, said "Everyone who drives a car, or other type of vehicle, should do so responsibly. That includes parking too.

"The area where Ryley's Lane and Eaton Drive meet is one which children frequent - there are three schools in the vicinity. Restricting visibility increases the risks of an accident and endangers life. Having worked as a police surgeon and attended many road traffic accidents has reinforced that view.

"Additionally, blocking traffic is hardly sensible. It annoys other drivers and delays them. Behaving irresponsibly should be strongly discouraged."

Click 'next photo' to see how cars had to move onto the other side of the road approaching the junction in order to exit Eaton Drive.

Here's another example of ridiculous parking at the same junction, taken in February 2012, the cars do look similar but we have checked back in our files and can confirm it was not the same vehicle.

Parking, Worst Parking


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 1:09 pm
What an utter air head.

It's been going on for years, it will continue happening because nothing is done. Pathetic.
Vin Sumner
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 4:15 pm
heyes lane by the bank is a good place to spot more air head parking , maybe time for a competition :-)
James Garrett
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 4:35 pm
i have some great pictures taken over the last few weeks of a certain local councillor who likes to park in disabled bays, residents parking spaces and double yellow lines!!! Blatantly ignoring any restrictions that are in place in the village.
Lesley Broome
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 5:28 pm
Not only councillors... a perfectly able mother, with her perfectly able child... parked in the disabled spot in the co op car park... what is wrong with these people.. fancy cars, usually on hp, think they can park anywhere, anytime... incredible.. need 2 traffic wardens in my opinion..
Marc Asquith
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 5:44 pm
James - I am no longer a Councillor - oooops :-))))))
Vin Sumner
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 6:04 pm
the thing that always amuses me is those people who park on yellow lines at a gym like Total Fitness , to save walking a few yards before their workout .... !!!!
Sarah Lane
Thursday 2nd May 2013 at 6:05 pm
Seen it so many times Lesley. I just don't understand how anyone can do it. Yes it always seems to be a certain type of car and a certain type of person. Selfish beyond belief.
Chris Jones
Wednesday 8th May 2013 at 6:19 am
This picture is nothing compared to what I witnessed last night.
A black Citroen saxo was parked totally blocking the junction at the corner of Weinholts,a police car crawled past and did absolutely nothing.Cheshire police are a joke.