Revised plans for 20 apartments on Brook Lane


A revised planning application has been submitted to build twenty apartments on Brook Lane, adjacent to the bypass.

A previous application (reference 11/4341M), was refused by the Northern Planning Committee in March because the buildings were considered overly dominant and unneighbourly.

An appeal has been lodged into that refusal but this new proposal seeks to resolve the reasons for that refusal, which were:

  • The scale, form and mass resulted in a cramped and intrusive development, expressed in the plot coverage, buildings proximity to each and the scale, mass and bulk of the buildings.
  • Building is unduly dominant to Highfield House (size, design and position of the front block) causing loss of outlook and increased sense of enclosure. The interface distances between Buildings 1 and 2 is substandard.

The revised plans include moving Building 1 further away from Highfield House and reducing the height of Building 2 which has also been repositioned further into the site, increasing the distance between the two buildings.

Jones Homes are seeking to amend a previously approved scheme (granted on appeal in January 1999) for a new access and eighteen apartments in two, three storey blocks on the 0.4 hectare site.

The site was previously occupied by Beech Lawn, a seven bedroom house built in the 20th century, and Wood Ride, a large bungalow built in the 1960's.

This proposal is for two apartments blocks accommodating ten apartments each. The additional apartment in each building, from that approved in 1999, is a penthouse apartment which has been achieved by redesigning the roof.

If these plans are approved the Council will benefit from a financial contribution of over £500,000. This includes a New Homes Bonus of up £170,000 payable over a 6 year period, a financial contribution of £280,000 towards off site affordable housing and an open space contribution of £58,200.

This latest planning application (reference 12/4038M) can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website. A second planning application, reference 12/4039M, has been submitted for engineering works in association with this residential development.

The deadline for comments is 28th November and a decision is expected by 18th January.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Ricky Lee
Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 2:17 pm
If the council were to gain financially, then the gain should stay within the local area.
Sarah Lane
Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 5:20 pm
20 apartments built by Jones Homes. Makes your heart sink. No surprise though.