Parish considers purchasing speed gun


Following an appeal for volunteers to help combat speeding in the village, the Parish Council are considering purchasing a speed gun.

Six volunteers responded to PCSO Jim Newns' request for local residents to set up a Community Speed Watch Scheme, as "a useful way of educating speeding motorists". They are now hoping that the Parish Council will purchase a speed gun, which will cost under £200.

Cllr Mary Maczkowiak explained that volunteers will use the gun to record the speed a vehicle is travelling, as well as the registration, and a letter will be sent to the owner from the police.

Whilst the speed gun is non endorsable it is hoped that it will collect useful data and help identify problem areas where the speed limit can then be enforced by the police.

Cllr Frank Keegan said "We bought the SID (Speed Indicator Device), put it in various places and recently we have had more SIDs provided by National Grid.

"I didn't like them before but they give very valuable intelligence - at one point the highest speed on Brook Lane was 86mph and quite a few were speeding in the 60's. It was so bad that I calculated that if we had fined all these people we'd have raised £100,000 in that week."

Parish Councillors agreed that given the volunteers have come forward and the cost is less than £200 they would welcome Cllr Mary Maczkowiak raising the issue at the Parish Council finance meeting.

Jim Newns, Parish Council, Speeding


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Fenton Simpson
Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 3:54 pm
Why spend £200 on a speed gun that can't be used to enforce a speed limit. I doubt a letter to someone doing 68mph in a 30 or 40 zone is going to do anything apart from going straight into the grey bin.

If £100,000 could be generated with a speed camera box then let's get one installed.
William LarkinLawler
Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 4:05 pm
Don't forget that Police, Ambulance and Fire responding to emergencies are allowed to exceed the speed limit. The SID devices record the speed but do not record details regarding the vehicle. It could be that the 86MPH speeding vehicle could have been an emergency services vehicle. My point being that although the SID gives an indication its does not paint a completely accurate picture.
David Hadfield
Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 4:10 pm
What is need are more traffic police around.
It's no use installing an expensive speed camera box because, as we all know, the speeders slow down for the box, then go speeding off at their leisure once again.
If they had policemen with speed guns hiding round corners, really sneakily and stealth-like, then at least the culprits will be caiught and fined.
Terry Bowes
Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 6:27 pm
Another waste of money for the "big brother"society.
Why not concentrate real criminal activity instead of soft easy targets that make the stats look good!!!
Brian Etchells
Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 6:46 pm
Totally agree with Terry. Why not have lots of the nice happy smiley signs around the village with the challenge of getting a happy smiley face because you have driven safely.

Not the vigilante local police volunteers jumping out at you and pointing a speed gun. That is just annoying and doesn't slow anybody down, it just creates more road rage.
Tom Mather
Wednesday 11th July 2012 at 10:37 pm
Try living on Brook Lane Terry and Brian ! Its a nightmare , people just dont care less because they dont live there. I would be pleased to fire the speed gun , but David is spot on .... Police need to be waiting in unsuspected area catching people out .. it wouldnt take long for people to realise they are not driving on the autobahn or the nurburgring !!
Terry Bowes
Thursday 12th July 2012 at 12:02 pm
Quite agree Tom.Police with speed guns are fine by me but certainly not Fred Carnos mob.
Mike Norbury
Thursday 12th July 2012 at 12:51 pm
in the express advertiser this week theres an article that state how many caught by the speed thing the parish council has invested in . well im affraid in my book thats utter nonsense all they have done is logged a load of speeds in breech of traffic regulations but realised a grand total of £000 in fines and issued no points as a deterant to offenders .