Fallen tree closes A34 outside Girls School

High winds have caused a large beech tree to fall down, blocking the A34 at the junction with Brook Lane.

Police were called to the incident at approximately 9am this morning.

The tree, which had fallen from the grounds of Alderley Edge School for Girls, has completely blocked Wilmslow Road and is currently being cleared.

At the time of writing (10.30am), a JCB and tractor were on their way to remove the larger branches and trunk so the road can be reopened shortly.

Fortunately nobody was hurt, as the tree would definitely have crushed a car.

Update: 11.44 - Police have informed me that the tree will be cleared and the road reopened in about 15 minutes.

Update: The A34 is now clear and has reopened.

Thanks to Marc Asquith for alerting alderleyedge.com to the incident and Stephen Higham for providing some additional photos.

Road Closures


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Lee Paden
Monday 23rd January 2012 at 12:50 am
In witnessing the tree collapsing on to the A34 (not seen that before!) I made sure no one was hurt, before ringing the emergency services. I'm just glad of the fast response - Lee from the Total garage.