Plans passed for Stevens Street development


Planning permission has been granted for the development on the corner of London Road and Stevens Street in the centre of the village.

Perlada Properties' most recent application (reference 11/1196M) for the change of use of part of the ground floor from office to retail and the erection of two-storey and single-storey rear extensions has been approved.

The appearance of the archway on the Stevens Street elevation will be retained, as will the existing wooden gates which will be permanently closed and behind them the archway will be filled in to expand the retail area to 283m2.

Planning permission has been granted subject to a number of conditions, one of which states that the ground floor can only be used for an A1 non-food shop and for no other purpose.

Secondly, the servicing for the site should not take place from London Road, arrangement must be made for both deliveries and refuse collection to be made via Stevens Street, and no deliveries or waste collections can take place before 8am, after 6.30pm or at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.

Other conditions imposed include: samples of the external materials must to be approved before used, the roof of the development must be covered in blue slate and all external window, door frames and gates must be timber, painted or opaque stained.

The Decision Notice for planning application 11/1196M states that the application has been approved because the proposal "complies with the relevant policies of the Development Plan and is considered to be acceptable.

"The proposal has an acceptable relationship with adjacent buildings and the wider streetscene" and "has an acceptable impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties."

This most recent planning application and the Decision Notice, containing the full list of conditions, can be viewed on the Cheshire East planning portal by searching for planning reference 11/1196M.

Perlada Properties, Planning Applications, Wine Rack


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Heather Wienholt
Tuesday 28th June 2011 at 4:19 pm
"the servicing for the site should not take place from London Road, arrangement must be made for both deliveries and refuse collection to be made via Stevens Street"

Why on earth was the Tesco loading bay imposed on us then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Garrett
Tuesday 28th June 2011 at 4:44 pm
If my memory is correct, the bay in front of Tesco’s was done so that all the businesses including yours Heather could deliver on London road, rather than Clifton Street, so as to not cause obstruction and block people in their houses, or cause blockages, as per the cars and deliveries to your shop do when taking blatant disregard to the double yellow lines and pavements.