Decision due on plans to replace house destroyed by fire with apartments


A decision is due on plans for the demolition of two detached dwellings, one of which was destroyed by a huge fire, and the construction of 14 apartments.

The 0.2 hectare site currently accommodates two detached dwellings with separate access points on Horseshoe Lane and Wilmslow Road.

North East Cheshire Developments are seeking planning permission to demolish "Oaklands" on Wilmslow Road and "The Old Coach House" on Horseshoe Lane and replace them with 14 apartments suitable for older people downsizing or young couples and families.

"Oaklands" is a Victorian villa which has been a family dwelling for several decades. The dwelling suffered a huge fire in 2022 and has vacant and been derelict since. The building comprises three floors, including a basement level.

"The Old Coach House" was constructed in the 1950s. The property is currently used as a family dwelling. The building comprises two floors.

The proposal is to provide 2 one bedroom, 10 two bedroom and 2 three bedroom apartments with access from Horseshoe Lane.

The scheme proposes to provide at least two car parking spaces per dwelling which are located in a sub-level shared parking garage as well as on a shared driveway with a further two spaces for shared visitor parking.

The Planning Officer is recommending the plans for approval at the Northern Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday, 2nd October, subject to conditions and a s106 agreement stating "The proposals will support the provision of 14 units of accommodation which also contributes to the Councils housing supply and is an efficient use of land. Economic benefits of the scheme comprise the spending power of future residents in the local shops and services and the short-term economic benefits derived from the creation of construction jobs.

"The proposed level of parking would be satisfactory to accommodate the likely demand for parking spaces generated by the development and evidence from the applicant regarding trip generation is accepted and is unlikely to lead to an unacceptable impact on highway safety or through cumulative impacts, lead to congestion on the road network. The proposals will not result in a loss of biodiversity or harm protected species nor increase flood risk or concerns regarding noise and air pollution.

"The proposals are considered to have an acceptable impact on trees within and adjacent the site."

The Planning Officer states approval should be subject to a S106 agreement to secure:

  • A financial contribution of £95,241.44 for the provision of play and amenity (POS), outdoor sports (ROS), allotments and green infrastructure (GI);
  • A financial contribution of £246,500 be spent towards the provision of off-site affordable housing.

Alderley Edge Parish Council recommends refusal on the grounds of overdevelopment.

Thirteen objections were received on the grounds of lack of affordable housing information, concerns regarding safety of highway for construction traffic, additional traffic to busy road, insufficient visitor parking and the proposal will cause unacceptable overlooking of existing properties. One letter of support was also received.

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 24/0962M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Nick Whittaker
Thursday 26th September 2024 at 10:33 am
I live on horseshoe lane and fully support the application as it will only improve the local amenity of the area. There is no logical alternative to the proposal. No one would buy the land and rebuild the current house, given it would not make commercial sense - meaning it will remain in disrepair indefinitely. I question the need for visitor parking over and above the 2 parking spaces - there is an apartment block of 12 next door to this and the car park is almost empty all of the time - so the requirement does seem unnecessary however can only assume it’s a box that needs ticking on the planning framework.

the nimbies of alderley edge would refuse absolutely anything and everything, forcing people into a position of building some very odd things, which look absolutely stupid - multiple examples around the village.

It would be great if the local council could work with developers / genuine people wanting to add value and improve the village by putting forward sensible options rather than impose nonsensical rules and objections I.e a plant will be removed therefore the impact on bio diversity is too high meaning the application must be reviewed or the sylvan nature of the area would be impacted (wilmslow road is like a motorway so not in anyway quiet or idylic).

Interesting the amount of work that has been put into the application on hedgehogs and holes being needed in fences - if the hedgehog walks through the fence, it will get run over in Wilmslow road. - where is the logic
Alan Brough
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 10:18 am
Reading through the documents attached to the application it's interesting to see the machinations involved in the process.

The application is for the demolition and re-development of Oaklands on Wilmslow Road and doesn't appear to mention the demolition of The Old Coachhouse on Horseshoe Lane whilst this appears to be a central component of the plan.
The statutory public notice seems to have been displayed only at the gate of Oaklands on Wilmslow Road where there is no public pavement and where there is little chance that interested parties might see it. No notification seems to have been displayed at the Horseshoe Lane entrance to The Old Coachhouse and therefore concerned neighbours were unaware of the plan and were late to the party in filing their (understandable) concerns.
It also looks like a condition of the plan is the extension of the 20mph speed restriction along Wilmslow Road from Brook Lane to Horseshoe Lane. The Council's representatives suggest that there will be a cost of £10,000 to cover consultation and implementation and the Developer responds to say that they're happy to accept this cost if it's linked to the Section 106 payments connected with the development. Surely the requirement for the change in speed limit reflects a potential hazard associated with access and egress at the site and should be subject to greater scrutiny.