General Election 2024: Jonathan Smith Liberal Democrat candidate for Tatton


Electors will have the choice of five candidates when they take to the polls on Thursday, 4th July.

The deadline for the nomination of candidates for the General Election has now passed and the following five candidates have been confirmed as standing in the Tatton constituency:

  • Nigel Hennerley – Green Party
  • Ryan Jude – Labour Party
  • Esther McVey – Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Oliver George Speakman - Reform UK
  • Jonathan Smith – Liberal Democrats

I have contacted all five candidates and will be publishing articles for those who respond in the order in which they do so.

Jonathan Smith has been selected to stand as the candidate for – Liberal Democrats in next month's General Election.

Having grown up in North London, Jonathan, 71, has lived with his wife Alison in Bowdon for over thirty-one years. They have four children, and five grand-children. Jonathan's main interests, beyond his family and politics, centre around sport, music and travel and he has sung in a Knutsford choir since January 2022.

He commented "Living just a mile outside the Constituency boundary for such a long time has meant that I and my family have always regarded Cheshire as our home County: I am genuinely 'local'."

Jonathan is a former Director of Social Services and Strategic Director in local government, and Chief Executive in the NHS. He became a service improvement consultant in Children's Services, and completed his career in public service by taking on the role as Chair of safeguarding conferences and other key meetings for vulnerable children and young people. He worked for many years in Cheshire and Merseyside, as well as elsewhere in the country.

Jonathan has been a Member of the Liberal Democrats, or the Party's predecessors, since 1983, but his senior public service career prevented him taking up an active, political role. He was a Liberal Democrat candidate in Oldham East and Saddleworth in 2017 and Tatton in 2019.

When asked why he has decided to stand as the Liberal Democrats candidate for Tatton? Jonathan said "I have been a passionate advocate for the principles and values of liberal democracy all my adult life.

"I increased the Lib Dem vote in Tatton in 2019 by 74%. My constant campaigning work across the Constituency over the past four-and-a-half years has left me in no doubt that I understand the area and its people, and that I could be an excellent Liberal Democrat MP. The stakes for the Country, at this General Election, could hardly be higher.

"I can make a significant contribution to Parliament, right from the start, given my long experience at a very senior level in public service, taking on big responsibilities, and taking big decisions that directly impact on people's lives."

His mission is:"To bring competence, compassion, integrity and service back into politics, for Tatton and the Country."

His pledges to everyone in Tatton are:

  • No second jobs, ever
  • No personal freebies
  • Always giving 100% to my role as your MP
  • Holding regular, local surgeries
  • Frequent reporting back on my performance
  • Putting my duty to serve before personal gain.

Jonathan has led, or actively supported, the following campaigns and local concerns:

  • Opposing the tarmacing-over of rewilded land off Longridge in Knutsford
  • Protecting the precious eco-system of Lindow Moss
  • Improving access to mental health services for farmers and their families
  • Restoring birthing services at Macclesfield Hospital
  • Bringing a banking hub to Knutsford
  • Challenging the Airport about excessive night flying
  • Finding a way to get a decent train service on the Mid-Cheshire Line
  • Objecting to the Blue Bell development in North Knutsford
  • Raising awareness of the serious decline in primary and community health and social care services

Jonathan said "I grew up in privileged circumstances; not wealthy, but comfortable. My long professional career has all been about improving the lives, and life-chances, of those less fortunate than me. I understand the aspirations and fears of the better-off, but have also been, literally, along-side those for whom poverty, mental illness, and lack of opportunity, have left them struggling. I feel that I can 'hear' and 'speak to' everyone in our local families, communities, and towns, across social and economic divides."

Articles featuring the other candidates standing in the General Election on July 4th will be published shortly and will all be tagged below 'General Election 2024'.

General Election 2024


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 5:46 am
Jonathan spoke very well last night, but then so did Ryan Jude.
Both recieved loud applause from a packed audience at the United Reform Church.
Youth vs Maturity springs to mind!
It was a well organised and a most worthwhile evening, made even better by the Chairman.