Plans to replace house destroyed by fire with apartments

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Plans have been submitted for the demolition of two detached dwellings, one of which was destroyed by a huge fire, and the construction of 14 apartments.

The 0.2 hectare site currently accommodates two detached dwellings with separate access points on Horseshoe Lane and Wilmslow Road.

North East Cheshire Developments are seeking planning permission to demolish as "Oaklands" on Wilmslow Road and "The Old Coach House" on Horseshoe Lane and replace them with 14 apartments suitable for older people downsizing or young couples and families.

"Oaklands" is a Victorian villa which has been a family dwelling for several decades. The dwelling suffered a huge fire in 2022 and has vacant and been derelict since. The building comprises three floors, including a basement level.

"The Old Coach House" was constructed in the 1950s. The property is currently used as a family dwelling. The building comprises two floors.

The proposal is to provide four 2 and ten 3 bedroomed apartments, housed in a single new building together with internal and external car parking as well as hard and soft landscaping.

Vehicular access to the site will be achieved via Horseshoe Lane. The existing access to "Oaklands" off Wilmslow Road will be closed up as part of the proposed development.

The scheme proposes to provide at least 2 car parking spaces per dwelling which are located in a sub-level shared parking garage as well as on a shared driveway with a further 2 spaces for shared visitor parking.

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 24/0962M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Lees
Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 4:18 pm
Fantastic news. Get it built asap and remove the eyesore which blights the approach to our beautiful village. Keep AE special.