Council confirms closure of three household waste recycling centres


Cheshire East Council agreed a budget for 2024/25 on 27th February.

As part of the essential savings measures for this year, and due to increasing operating costs, the emergency reduction of household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) in the borough has been agreed.

Four sites will remain open in Alsager, Crewe, Macclesfield and Knutsford.

The emergency closure of Bollington, Poynton and Middlewich HWRCs is currently targeted to take place in the next two to three months.

A Council spokesperson said "The council is working to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible and as part of this, will be putting in place mitigation measures."

These will include later mid-week evening opening hours at its four core sites, and the introduction, on a trial basis, of a mobile household waste recycling service for residents in the Bollington, Poynton and Middlewich areas.

A Council spokesperson added "The final details of these mitigation measures continue to be developed but will be timed to go live at the same time to limit any disruption as much as possible.

"Further information will be shared by the council over the coming weeks. For now, all HWRCs in Cheshire East can be accessed as normal.

"The council will be engaging with town councils to explore opportunities for working in partnership to support HWRC services in their local areas."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Steven Mccrory
Wednesday 27th March 2024 at 4:28 pm
Meanwhile more stupid woke tree hugging money wasting projects all over. These work from home overpaid he/she are totally out of touch with us all. Meeting after meeting re nothing..
Sick to death of cut back after cut back yet we are taxed for anything other than breathing...
Mathew Owen
Wednesday 27th March 2024 at 5:34 pm
So expect to see more fly tipping in the area !
Claire MacLeod
Thursday 28th March 2024 at 8:16 am
@Steven Do you know what I'm sick to death of? People blaming local government for the cuts in service and financial issues that are entirely the fault of this useless Tory government, who have cut funding ruthlessly year after year. They are even willing to watch local authorities - both labour and conservative led - go bankrupt. Do you not understand that the government's austerity measures have ruined local governments, education (look at the state of our schools), NHS, Courts, the environment (but clearly you don't care about leaving a healthy planet for the next generation - given your remark about 'woke tree huggers') etc etc etc.

Who is hit hardest? Vulnerable people. The old. The disabled. The poverty stricken. Children. The homeless.

Britain is broken. And no matter how much you want to blame immigration, you need to look closer to home. And you think the blame sits with the civil servants because they want to work from home! Oh dear.

The only people who have benefitted from the last 12 years of Tory rule are the rich people. Is that you, Steven?

'Totally out of touch'? Indeed you are.
Gordon Massey
Thursday 28th March 2024 at 8:34 am
It’s all simply amazing, they are closing 3 waste facilities, now everyone will drive to Macclesfield, queue both sides of the main arterial road from Macclesfield to Congelton, increasing traffic congestion and to boot all the extra traffic and the queuing will increase air pollution and yes as already mentioned, fly tipping will undoubtedly increase. Is this a saving to the council’s budget? Hang on a minute, haven’t we just paid £56 for our green bin collection, how many millions did that bring in overnight? And now they want to spend £480,000 on consultants. It just seems to go on and on, maybe it needs an independent review on how they are spending our money. Apologies for the rant, it’s just all getting out of hand.
Steve Finch
Monday 8th April 2024 at 8:25 pm
The rather aggressive comment from Claire M against Steven M is the reason I rarely voice my opinion here.
I will say, however, that I agree with Steven and not with Claire.
Vince Chadwick
Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 12:55 pm
Steve Finch, I found Claire M's post to hit the nail right on the head. This cynical incompetent government is throttling public spending that would normally come through local authorities, and the simple-minded blame the local authorities!

The government are very happy about this - they get to impose cuts that seriously impact people's lives, especially the vulnerable, and the local authority gets the blame!

And what is the purpose of 'austerity' anyway? It certainly doesn't save money. A very visible example is the appalling state of the nation's roads after 14 years of year on year Tory cuts to local authority road maintenance budgets. I suspect that the bill to put our nation's roads back into the condition they were before Tory austerity wrecked them is probably unaffordable by now.

Try not maintaining your house or your car for 14 years and see how much you 'save'!

Austerity is Tory madness writ large. Tory madness hiding behind cash-strapped local authorities!
Pete Taylor
Thursday 11th April 2024 at 10:03 am
Well said Claire and Vince, spot on.
Steve Finch
Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 7:50 am
Thank you Vince
I am simple minded, very kind.
I voice my opinion and get insulted.
I shan't voice my opinion again except when I vote.
Kindest regards.
Claire MacLeod
Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 2:42 pm
Thanks, Vince and Pete. I appreciate the support.

Steve Finch, I voiced my opinion, just as you did, in my original post and you chose to describe it as 'rather aggressive'. I resisted countering that Steven McCrory's earlier post, referring to 'woke tree huggers' could also have been considered 'rather aggressive', as I'm averse to having a public argument with a complete stranger, no matter how strongly I disagree with them.

The fact that you stated you 'agree with' Steven M and 'not with Claire' suggests that either (a) you don't think government cuts in funding have impacted 'Vulnerable people. The old. The disabled. The poverty stricken. Children. The homeless.', or (b) you do, but you just don't care.

It seems you and I have different opinions as to what 'kindness' means.

Kindest regards