Decision due on proposed affordable housing site

A decision is due on a planning application which is seeking permission, in principle, for the construction of an affordable housing site on the outskirts of Alderley Edge.

The indicative proposal is for 9 dwellings on land adjacent to Jenny Heyes on Heyes Lane.

Whilst the 0.2 hectare, which lies within the open countryside and Green Belt, is located within the parish of Wilmslow it is directly adjacent to Alderley Edge.

Both Alderley Edge Parish Council and Wilmslow Town Council have recommended refusal, stating that the proposals are contrary to the neighbourhood plans of Wilmslow and Alderley Edge.

They have objected on the grounds that it is inappropriate in the Green Belt and access to and from the site is at a dangerous location without safe and well-lit routes for walking and cycling.

Fourteen letters were received which objected to the proposal on the grounds it will open the flood gates for development in the Green Belt, is there true affordable housing in Alderley edge and Wilmslow, proposals do not meet the Wilmslow or Alderley Edge neighbourhood plans and it sets a dangerous precedent by disregarding neighbourhood plans.

Additional issues they raise include: this site is inappropriate, loss of Green Belt land and there are more suitable sites in Alderley Edge e.g. Holmfield and Hole Farm Field which are brownfield not Green Belt land.

One letter of support was also received stating there is a need for affordable housing in Wilmslow and Alderley Edge.

The planning officer is recommending the planning application for approval at the Northern Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, 13th March.

The officer concluded "The site is located within the open countryside and Green Belt and the proposal comprises 100% affordable housing to serve an identified local need. Therefore the proposals qualify as an exceptional form of development which would not be an inappropriate in the Green Belt.

"The proposals would contribute towards to local affordable housing needs of Alderley Edge and a development of 9 units would be appropriate in terms of density in this location. It is considered that a suitable layout of development could be achieved that overcomes flood risk concerns, amenity, highway and tree issues. There are no ecological issues highlighted at this stage.

"Overall, the principle of small-scale residential development in this location would not result in any conflict with the development plan. The application is therefore recommended for approval."

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Planning Portal by searching for planning reference 23/4024M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Erica Maslen
Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 9:29 am
So... both Alderley PC and Wilmslow TC recommend refusal.. and yet will probably get approved as Planning Officer recommends...
Mike Davies
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 5:51 pm
If this gets approval based on the option of one person (the planning officer) it will prove that the council is not working for its residents (who all object) and I would propose sacking them all and voting in a new council that does work for the local people