Annual fee for garden waste collection confirmed


Cheshire East Council has announced details of a subscription service which means residents will have to pay annual fee if they would like their garden bins to continue being collected.

The subscription service for green waste collections is planned to go live in January next year and By opting-in to the service, residents can continue using their garden bin to recycle their green waste and will pay a proposed annual subscription fee of £56 for it to be collected.

The scheme – details of which will be considered by the council's environment and communities committee later this month – follows approval of the council's medium-term financial strategy for 2023/24 to 2026/27, which was consulted on in January this year.

Councillor Mick Warren, chair of Cheshire East Council's environment and communities committee, said: "The council continues to face significant financial pressures and there is an overall £20m funding gap to fill. We therefore have no choice but to look to alternative sources of revenue generation.

"The collection of garden waste is not a core service that councils are required to provide – and the costs associated with it have risen considerably – but it is our wish that we continue to make this service available to residents, while also ensuring we can make required savings of around £4m.

"We can do this by introducing an annual subscription service – something which more than 65% of local authorities across England have already done including our neighbours in Cheshire West and Chester, with many of these schemes having been in place for several years.

"We do of course recognise the pressures on people's household finances, which is why residents will only pay for the service if they opt-in to the scheme and it remains free for residents to dispose of their garden waste at our household waste recycling centres.

"We also continue to encourage residents to consider trying home composting – it is an excellent and environmentally-friendly way to limit food waste and has huge benefits to people's gardens."

The annual scheme is expected to open to subscriptions in October and go live in January.

Residents who opt-in will have their garden bins emptied as per their usual schedule and will be sent a specialist sticker to attach to their bin, which will feature a unique reference and is designed to fray and tear when removed to prevent them being reused by others.

A report on the green waste subscription, where councillors will be asked to decide on the implementation details of the scheme, will be discussed at the council's environment and communities committee on 27 July.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Marcus Holt
Wednesday 19th July 2023 at 5:26 pm
I'm just here for the inevitable comments! About how we will be over run with rats due to food waste, how the garden waste will just be dumped.... don't remember either of those things happening when we had 2 weekly black bin only collections. Indeed the food waste collection is probably only 4 or 5 years old? But fortnightly bin collections have been here for a good 12 years. Still, the moaners will moan.
Stephen Maynard
Wednesday 19th July 2023 at 5:58 pm
Well they have to pay for all those top execs at Cheshire East - with the CEO earning more that then the Prime Minister is clear how wasteful they are - all these extra charges and services are continually being cut to pay for their excessive salaries and pension contributions
Tony Haluradivth
Sunday 23rd July 2023 at 11:16 pm
I see no one moaning here except for you Marcus Holt , and out of curiosity do you have arguments with yourself as well? (Who wins btw ? ;)
Steve Finch
Monday 24th July 2023 at 9:06 am
I guess I’ll have to go back to regular bonfires again on top of joining with the local residents to collect and burn the inevitable additional fly tipping.
Can’t the annual increases in council tax keep up with Cheshire East too exec salary rises?
Steven Mccrory
Wednesday 26th July 2023 at 8:54 am
When will these endless extra costs on our lives stop. I get it they have to get the revenue in. But all these other wasted tree hugging woke money wasting projects are a disgrace. I feel privileged to live in CE, but I see all these useless ideas that COST US millions. And now our fortnightly green bin is going to cost from Jan 24. Why not just not charge and do them monthly for free. Or only charge the high users with bigger gardens perhaps.
Tony Haluradivth
Wednesday 26th July 2023 at 1:42 pm
Did they mention what happens to food waste?
John Moylan
Thursday 27th July 2023 at 9:29 am
Were we asked to approve this charge? I don't recall being consulted.
We've just had to fork out a 5% increase in Council Tax and now this as yet unspecified additional charge. It's outrageous.

The police have had significantly above inflation increases over the past several years and no one knows what this increase is being spent on. Perhaps instead of giving money hand over fist to themselves and other public servants, without our approval, maybe the Cheshire East council needs to do the basics effectively and efficiently, and get rid of the unnecessary and unwanted 'services'. For example, how many diversity officers do they employ at our expense and when were we asked if we want them?
Marcus Holt
Friday 28th July 2023 at 12:50 pm
Why should we be consulted about the charge? We vote the council in and they make the decisions, how our democracy works, some decisions some people will like, some people won't.... I never used my green bin, my gardener takes away for composting and have never used it food, been using my main bin for food since the 70s so why change now? And yes, your right, let's get rid of these unwanted and unnecessary services, and they are making a great start by doing that with the green bins.
Alan Brough
Saturday 29th July 2023 at 7:35 am
Popcorn-tastic trolling from Marcus Holt. Excellent to see a pro at the top of his game.
Tony Haluradivth
Tuesday 8th August 2023 at 8:32 pm
Someone tell Greta that Marcus has been chucking his food waste as he is too posh to use the cute little bins PROVIDED BY HIS COUNCIL whom he robustly defends. Us "paysans" have been put in our place ;)
Jon Williams
Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 7:57 am
Cheshire East Council's planned £56 annual garden waste collection subscription is to be challenged, according to the Cheshire East Conservative Group. The decision, passed by the Environment and Communities Committee last month, would make Cheshire East's garden waste collection service –which is currently free– the most expensive in the North West.

Cheshire East Conservative Group members have now formally challenged the decision. The group announced this week a referral request of the decision had been submitted.

If the request is accepted by the Council’s Monitoring Officer, the decision will be reviewed at the next meeting of full council. A total of 21 of the 39 North West local authorities currently charge for garden waste collections, with the subscription costing £37.80 on average.