Cheshire Police receives its report card

Ian Wiggett

People in Cheshire can see for themselves for the first time how Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary’s grade police forces on performance due to the launch of a new website which goes live on Saturday.

Cheshire Constabulary has received a 'fair' grading from the HMIC for local crime and policing, protection from serious harm and confidence and satisfaction.

Commenting on the report Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett said:
"The HMIC report card provides a snapshot of how police across the country are performing. The report does allow the public to assess how we are doing across a whole range of policing activity that looks at information and data supplied to the HMIC since September last year.

"The picture has continued to improve since last September. Everyone who works for the Constabulary strives to ensure the service they deliver meets the needs of the communities they serve and our work is paying dividends with levels of recorded crime dropping to the lowest in the last 10 years.

"Direct feedback from those people who call us indicates victims and witnesses are pleased with the service they receive from us. When our performance in this area is compared at a national level we are second highest in the country for satisfaction with the service we deliver to members of our communities.

"A survey of victims and witnesses in Cheshire has also showed that 90% of them were satisfied with the service they received by Cheshire’s Criminal Justice Services (including the Crown Prosecution Service and the Courts) which is the best result in the country."

The HMIC website allows the public to see forces ranked on performance. Chairman of the Police Authority, Margaret Ollerenshaw commenting on the report said: "The Constabulary’s performance on crime speaks for itself - recorded crime is at its lowest in the last 10 years. The new website allows people to see specific performance in six different crime areas.

"HMIC ranks the performance of the Constabulary as having a high knife crime rate but we know from performance meetings with the Chief Constable that the levels of knife crime reported reflect changes in counting rules adopted as part of the Constabulary robust approach to recording crime.

“HMIC have highlighted reducing death and injury on Cheshire’s roads as an area that is showing a decline in performance. However we know from reports to members from the Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership that last years figures show a reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured and the overall trend for the last nine years is showing a steady reduction overall."

Photos. Top: Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett. Middle: Chairman of the Police Authority, Margaret Ollerenshaw.

Crime, Reports