On street drinking in Alderley

Matt Welsted 3

I was interested to read in the Wilmslow Express a couple of week's ago that Alderley Edge Parish Councillor Mary Maczkowiak is calling for a bylaw to ban people from drinking on the streets in Alderley Edge.

Referring to the opening of the new Tesco Express store Mary told the Wilmslow Express "there has been a marked increased in on-street drinking since the store opened last week."

As a resident of Alderley Edge I spend a lot of time in the village with my young children so I was somewhat surprised and concerned by this news. Unfortunately I don’t get out as much as I would like after dark, to witness any such activity, which is when I assume it must take place, or maybe I’m just lucky and don’t pass the areas where it is happening during the day?

I am fully aware that there is a considerable anti-Tesco feeling in the village, but to be honest I was also surprised that the opening of Tesco had had such an effect in just a week or so. Every time I have been past the shop there appears to be few customers.

So I contacted our Parish Councillor Mary Maczkowiak to ask about where and when all this on-street drinking has been taking place in Alderley Edge. I was interested in how this situation had been monitored and the numbers that have been involved.

I wanted to share this information with alderleyedge.com users because as a result of the article some local residents are now concerned about street drinking and asking where it is happening.

Mary and I were hoping to meet for a coffee last week to discuss this issue and alderleyedge.com in general but unfortunately we didn't so I decided to ask Inspector Matt Welsted about the problem when I met with him this week and he kindly shared some data with me.

In the last 6 months there has been 105 incidents of anti-social behaviour reported in the area of Alderley Edge which includes everything from dog fouling to parking complaints.

Inspector Welsted explained; "When we focus on the element of these reports which most people would consider to be anti-social behaviour, that of rowdy youths, this number drops to just 54 calls in the last 6 months. I have reviewed these and only 7 relate to people drinking. These 7 incidents all relate to gathering of youths in parks and is the reason we have this as a local priority.”

Inspector Welsted said "Alderley Edge is a very safe place to live and work with very low crime rates and very low numbers of anti-social behaviour. We receive an average of 1 report of anti-social behaviour involving youths every three days. We are dedicated to listening to the concerns of local residents which is the reason we have local priorities, one of which is currently anti-social behaviour in local parks.  

"My officers have been focussing their efforts on this and alcohol has been seized from youths in recent months. It is important to say however, that most of the time the youths are not in possession of alcohol and are simply advised to respect their local community and behave accordingly.

"We have not received any reports of people drinking on the street which I can directly link to the license of Tesco and my officers are patrolling this area regularly to ensure that no problem develops.

"My officers and I can only respond to the information that we have so if anyone reading this has concerns about anti-social behaviour in their area then they should get in touch with their local officer on 0845 458 6374, or in an emergency call 999."

Please do let us know your thoughts on the call for a bylaw via the comment box below. Have you witnessed a problem with on-street drinking in the village, either before or after Tesco opened?

Crime, Parish Council, Tesco, Wilmslow Express


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Kriss Coombes
Friday 12th March 2010 at 12:42 pm
It was very reassuring to read Inspector Welsted's version of the reported increase in street drinking in the village within one week of Tesco's opening, and thankful that you bothered to look behind the headlines.

The figures of only 7 alcohol related cases reported in A/E in 6 months is probably pleasantly surprising compared to many other areas.

I do confess to being "anti Tesco", but this is based on what I believe to be their unethical methods of product sourcing and their business conduct. I also opposed the granting of their licencing hours, but they should not be unfairly linked to what may be inaccurate headlines in the local paper.
Oscar Weams
Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 12:14 pm
It was interesting to read your editorial which was based on an incomplete article from the Wilmslow express, comments from a newly installed Police Inspector and by your own admission very limited access to the village with your young children during daylight hours.
Alderley Edge is a large village that includes areas outside of London Rd and whilst the main street may not have a problem with on street drinking, other areas do exist that are affected by it

Beech Rd play area is a favourite area for youths to gather and engage in antisocial behaviour, drinking, disturbance and noise etc, Indeed several weeks ago the Police attended to arrest a drunken youth who had forced entrance to a residents garage in the area. The residents have long ago stopped calling the police to report problems as invariably these problems occur in an evening when officers are stretched elsewhere in the area and are unavailable

The Parish Council has proven a valuable ally in pushing matters forward and trying to help the residents, the area was recently updated and improved. Through their liaison with the previous PCSO, who was extremely active in the area and indeed within the village as a whole to thus ensure residents had the opportunity to speak with him and to alert him of problems in their areas.

Likewise the issue was raised in the Express regarding the ease with which premises’ were being licensed and residents concerns and wishes being ignored, in recent years there has been an explosion within the village of bars and restaurants with little or no consultation for people living close to these properties.

When you have lived for a number of years near to a shop or a restaurant that had limited opening hours to suddenly find that an extended license has been granted until 3 am and that wishes of the local residents and the Parish Council were not even considered is somewhat distressing.

A bylaw to outlaw on street drinking (as exists in Wilmslow and Macclesfield) does not interfere with people drinking in licensed premises but gives the Police powers to ensure residents are not blighted by people gathering to drink in car parks, play areas and by their homes.

To read your article it would appear the Parish Council was wrong to propose the Bylaw as the limited information available to you appeared to suggest there is no problem. The Parish Council are a politically elected body who work on behalf of their constituents and I would suggest that maybe the proposed Bylaw was as a result of residents asking for help from their Councillor.
Lisa Reeves
Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 9:44 pm
Firstly thanks very much for your comments and providing information as to where the on street drinking is taking place in the village, very interesting and I am sure many of our readers will appreciate you sharing your knowledge about Beech Road play area and the Parish Council's involvement.

The purpose of my article was to ask local residents to share their views and experiences so that more information was available, because as you rightly pointed out the article in the Wilmslow Express lacked information and facts - which only generates concern.

As I stated in my article I was somewhat surprised and concerned by the news that "there has been a marked increased in on-street drinking since the [Tesco] store opened last week." and we know that as a result of the Wilmslow Express article some local residents were worried about street drinking and we had been asked where it was happening in the village.

My article was not trying to imply that proposing a bylaw was wrong it was merely trying to understand why it was required.

My first action was naturally to try and obtain information from the Parish Councillor so I could provide a more complete story to our readers but she chose not to respond to any of my questions.

Whilst Inspector Welsted is newly installed, he does have 14 years experience and was able to provide me with some actual data. As Inspector Welsted himself stated the police officers can only respond to the information that they have, it is acknowledged that their stats don't provide a full picture but they are still of interest when looking at this issue.

Whilst you are correct in stating my editorial was based on an incomplete article in the local paper it's purpose was to try and complete more of the picture - as I had not been able to do this by obtaining information from the Parish Councillor and because we had readers express concern and ask questions, the purpose of my article was to provide some more information and ask our readers, who make up a very significant portion of the local community, for their experiences and thoughts.

It a shame that the Parish Council don't choose to share their opinions and actions via alderleyedge,com because they can do so in their own words by submitting their own articles, without the risk of being edited or having an incomplete story published. It would also provide our readers with information about the work the Parish Council do in the village, which we know many would appreciate as they have told us, and enable two way communication which is surely beneficial to both.

Just one final point, I wasn't saying I have very limited access to the village with my young children during daylight hours, quite the reverse - I am in the village virtually every day. I was saying I don’t get out as much after dark as I would like because I have small children. I also acknowledged that maybe I don’t pass the areas where it is happening and your comment showed this to be correct because I don't live near the Beech Road play area.
Susan Holland
Thursday 25th March 2010 at 11:50 am
Lisa; 'Never apologise, never explain'!

Alderleyedge.com is a wonderful source of up to date information and news (both good and bad) for local people; also an excellent forum for unedited comment. In short, it is a completely democratic vehicle for news, views and as you can see above; clarity and tenacity. Many of us have recommended the site to Alderley Edge Parish Council and whilst they may be visitors why havent they taken that further necessary step in this technologically led age and actually interacted with it.

Doing this would require them to act independently to a certain extent but wouldn't this show the individuality of the various members? Obviously collective discussion and decision making is necessary in getting things done locally but wouldn't peoples' perception and understanding of the Parish Council be altered and improved by such a move.

Communication is the key!