The flower bed by the bandstand inthe park has been recreated recently, as part of the work which is being carried out to improve the appearance of the park and to make this particular area a centre-piece feature.
Councillor Craig Browne said "Unfortunately, many of the plants we put in last year had failed over the course of the winter and the had lead to the bed looking less impressive than we had hoped for.
"Over recent weeks I have been holding a series of meetings with representatives of ANSA (Parks Maintenance) and they have agreed to install a raised bed at this location, at the same time as drawing up a master plan for the park, including additional raised beds, as well as improvements to the bowling green, the creation of a skating area and installation of keep-fit equipment for adults."
As an interim measure and in preparation for the visit by judges from North West in Bloom on Tuesday 2nd July, ANSA officers have helped to grass over part of the original bandstand bed and planted out a much smaller and more manageable triangular bed as a temporary measure. In due course, this will give way to a much more impressive raised bed with additional planting.
Councillor Craig Browne added "I expect to be able to share the master plan and to invite comment on the new proposals over the next few weeks. The plans will also include a scheme to improve drainage and usability of Chorley Hall Lane Playing Field."
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