Alderley Edge First make it a clean sweep again


Alderley Edge First have retained all nine seats on Alderley Edge Parish Council which they won at the last election 4 years when they defeated the nine Conservative candidates.

The group which came together a few months before the 2015 local elections to challenge the existing Alderley Edge Parish Council members, have achieved a second comprehensive victory.

Councillor Craig Browne said "We would like to thank everyone who turned out to vote. We are nine village residents who have pledged to do our best for our community.

"During our first term of office we worked hard to be open and accessible and to defend the interests of all our fellow residents. These are the same principles we will take forward over the next four years."

The turnout was 42.73% which is relatively high for a parish council election, the turnout for the two Wilmslow wards which have been announced so far was 14.76% and 14.51%.

Eleven candidates stood for the nine seats on Alderley Edge Parish Council.

The results were:

  • Paul Nicholas Brearley, Conservative Party - 323 votes
  • Craig Julian Browne, Alderley Edge* First - 1322 votes, elected
  • Bev Chapman, Alderley Edge First - 1155 votes, elected
  • Ashley Comiskey Dawson, Independent - 257 votes
  • Mike Dudley-Jones, Alderley Edge First* - 1146 votes, elected
  • Myles Thomas Garbett, Alderley Edge First* - 1087 votes, elected
  • Rachael Emily Grantham, Alderley Edge First* - 1288 votes, elected
  • Sarah Louise Greenwood, Alderley Edge First* - 1166 votes, elected
  • Geoff Hall, Alderley Edge First* - 1161 votes, elected
  • Liz Marshall, Alderley Edge First - 1183 votes, elected
  • Mike Taylorson, Alderley Edge First* - 1102 votes, elected

* Existing Parish Councillor prior to the election on May 2nd 2019.

2019 Local Elections


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Nick Jones
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 2:10 pm
Well done A/E 1st !!..
Karen Robinson
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 2:36 pm
Well done to all of you. Doing a great job for our village
David Carey
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 2:52 pm
Great job a wonderful team of people
Terry Bowes
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 3:36 pm
Well done and carry on with the good work.
Alan Brough
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 4:13 pm
Well deserved recognition of the tremendous work and openness that has characterised AE1’ s term in office.

Very well done!
Ruth Norbury
Saturday 4th May 2019 at 5:50 pm
Absolutely delighted for all of you, well done & congratulations.
Looking forward to the next 4 years in safe hands, and the village continuing to be a place where people want to carry on making things better.
Thank you all nine of you.
Graham McLelland
Sunday 5th May 2019 at 8:08 am
Having seen first hand how the Alderley First candidates have worked in their own time tirelessly making the whole area into something we should be proud of , in the village,the park and on Bollin Fields estate it shows to me that they care and should be voted in. Good luck and best wishes to you
Claire MacLeod
Sunday 5th May 2019 at 4:53 pm
I am so delighted, and not at all surprised, that the village has given the most ringing endorsement it can to the Alderley First candidates who have proven over the last four years that it is perfectly possible to run the Parish Council as an efficient, diligent, productive, transparent, open, approachable and hard-working entity. This result couldn't be more deserved. These people have done exactly what they said they would, put Alderley First. And then some. Very well done, all of you.
Helen Gaughan
Sunday 5th May 2019 at 5:21 pm
Well done all of you from Charlie and myself . Whilst we weren’t able to vote ourselves ( due to living in the back of beyond , Mobberley !! ) We are always willing to lend our support in other ways . Such a well-knit team , you’ve achieved so much and will continue to do so . Bravo and love from us x
Kath Foster
Sunday 5th May 2019 at 6:48 pm
Absolutely deserved. The team work so hard on behalf of the village and are available and accountable. As a village we are very lucky to have them.
Catriona Lang
Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 11:20 am
Brilliant news and thoroughly deserved. Congratulations - such a great group of people.
Kristina Hulme
Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 6:12 pm
Fantastic News and thanks for all the good works undertaken so far. Gives a great inspirational message to all our neighbours.
Well done Craig and all of the independents.