Voters are being urged to check the location of their local polling station – so they don't lose their voice at the local elections on Thursday, 2nd May.
Prior to casting their vote local residents can read the interviews I have published with all of the candidates standing for a seat on either Alderley Edge Parish Council or the Alderley Edge ward on Cheshire East Council - they are all connected via the 2019 Local Elections tag at the bottom of each article.
Voters can check on their polling cards, which will identify which polling station they should visit to cast their ballot. Any residents affected by changes to polling stations have also been written to by the council, informing them of where they will be able to vote.
Cheshire East Council's acting chief executive Kath O'Dwyer, who is the Returning Officer for the local elections in the borough, said: "I would urge all voters to check the location of their local polling station before election day. It is worth bearing in mind that there are always a small number of our usual polling station venues unavailable due to refurbishment, repair works or unforeseen circumstances.
"It is really important for the vigour and health of our local democracy that people, who are eligible, exercise their right to vote and have their say.
"If you don't vote, you don't have a voice – so I would urge everyone, who is eligible, to take the time to vote and be heard."
On polling day, Thursday 2nd May, polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm. Information about voting at this election is available at: www.yourvotematters.co.uk.