Each year Cheshire East Primary Schools are invited to take part in a competition to find the Junior Recycling Officers (JRO) of the Year.
Organised by ANSA, the organisation that delivers waste and recycling services for Cheshire East Council, more than 30 schools submitted entries to the competition and the finalists presented their work to a panel of Cheshire East Councillors at the Lord Egerton's Apartments in Tatton Park.
Organiser Lucinda Hodges observed "As I visit the primary schools around Cheshire East I am amazed by the innovation and enthusiasm displayed by so many children. Today we see four finalists but there are many other schools doing fantastic work in recycling."
Teams from Alderely Edge Community Primary School, Lindow Community Primary School, St John's CE Primary School, Sandbach Heath and Warmingham CE Primary School made it through to the final to present their activities and face questioning. After lengthy deliberation, the panel of judges decided to declare joint winners, Alderley Edge, represented by Freya, Robyn and Merlina and Lindow, represented by Alice, Jemima and Maks.
The winning schools will receive £150 each towards an Environmental Project of their choice at school.
All the finalists received medals and a 'recycling pack' and awards were also given for Best Recycling Idea, Best Change in School, Best Recycling Collection and Best Community Involvement. After lunch they were given an educational tour of Tatton Gardens led by Tatton's Head Gardner.
Judge, Councillor Don Stockton, Environment Portfolio holder for Cheshire East commended all the teams for the excellence of their presentations and said "Having seen the enthusiasm of these JROs, the future of our environment is in their hands and their willingness to spread the word is very reassuring."
Headteacher Chris Perry said "For many years we have had Junior Recycling Officers who have worked hard not only to ensure that we decrease our wastage in school by reducing, reusing and recycling but they have done an amazing job of encouraging both the other children and the whole staff to do the same.
"The children remind staff and children to turn off lights, computers and the such like when they are not being used, they help recycle paper and have demonstrated how you can reuse and upcycle materials in a completely different way rather than just throw them away. This award is testament to their hard work and thoroughly deserved.
"The various teams of recycling officers have been ably supported by our Site Manager, Jackie Burt. Jackie's commitment to helping the children is typical of all the staff in school who go beyond their normal jobs to help children make a difference."