I completely understand that Alderley Edge has a problem with parking. I don't mind that people who work in the village park on Moss Lane where I live, as there really isn't anywhere else for them to park. But over the years I have lived here I have seen more and more people parking, the problem is they now block our drives.
I have had my drive blocked too many times and even when my car has been sat on the drive, meaning I have no way of getting my car out. This can mean I have no way to get to work or any other commitments.
It is not just my drive this happens to, but my neighbours continuously have the same problem. So when we get home from work and have no way of getting onto our own drive, that we pay to have done, where do we park as the road is full?
As I am writing this I have one car blocking my drive with my boyfriends car on. It has been here all day and it is 8.30pm.
I have lived in the village all my life and never seen the issue get any better but now it's getting ridiculous as the drivers/workers don't care and when you ask them nicely to move they just give you abuse back or say "I was in a rush."
There is no excuse to block drives. Something needs to be done before things get worse - if it can!
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
I look forward to the response!!
I was interested by your comment, although I did wonder whether it was Cheshire East Council, or the Parish Council you were referring to.
In case it was the former, I would completely agree with you. I recently pointed out at scrutiny committee that the newly published Cheshire East Parking Strategy only takes into account the Key Service Centres and largely ignores the needs of the Local Service Centres, such as Alderley Edge.
In case you were referring to the Parish Council however, it is fair to say that our hands are almost completely tied by the progress of the Cheshire East Local Plan. Whilst we have managed to secure some incremental gains in on-street parking, the construction of a new car park in or around Alderley Edge is impossible without redrawing the green belt boundaries.
It may also be worth mentioning that obstructive parking, as mentioned above, remains an issue that only the police are empowered to deal with. Having said this, I will be happy to raise the issue of Moss Lane with our new PCSO and also escalate it to the Traffic Management Officer for the area, at Macclesfield Police Station.
Kind regards,
one thing you might try, as it seems to work where I live, is to ask the Local Authority to have white H-bars painted onto the road, outside drive entrances; perhaps it is the 'official' nature of them, but where I live, no-one parks on them.
Worth trying for?
I think it is the Local Authority that not only has them painted, but also pays for them.