![Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 17.55.54](/img/w/720/h/480/s/81ae53f187f01949ed5c63c70db16c8a.jpg)
Councillor Craig Browne and Parish Councillor Christine Munro, met with volunteers from Alderley Edge In Bloom, U3A Bowling Club (Wilmslow) and officers from ANSA Parks Maintenance on Tuesday, 6th February to discuss the work that needs to be carried out in the park.
Over the coming weeks and months, they are going to be working on improving the existing flower beds alongside the bowling green, as well as creating some new ones. Additionally, they will also be crown-lifting some of the trees and cutting back some of the shrubbery which is restricting light to the footpath between the bowling hut and the allotments.
Councillor Craig Browne said "We are always pleased to hear from volunteers who are willing to help, so if you have an hour to spare, please get in touch with Christine or myself."
Email Craig Browne or Christine Munro.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
The reason for the botanical slaughter is the usual one of claiming that the aforementioned tree/bushes are 'dying'/past their best.
I understand that a plan is to be produced, to be inspected before any works are carried out.
Hopefully such plan will be available here.
Do people want flat grass and orderly flower-beds or something at least approx. to a 'natural' appearence?
If there is money to do the above, why is there not money to improve the bowling green and the kids' footy area?