A developer is being requested to amend their designs for a residential scheme located south of Coppice Way in Handforth.
Jones Homes were granted planning permission for a development of up to 175 dwellings in April 2016, however their application (planning reference 15/0795M) which sought reserved matters approval for layout, scale and appearance was deferred by the Northern Planning Committee earlier this month.
Despite being recommended for approval by the Planning Officer, committee members voted unanimously to defer the application to enable officers to go back to the applicant and ask for the designs to be amended.
Councillor Craig Browne explained "In particular, members expressed concerns over the lack of access to public open space, as well as the manner in which affordable homes had been clustered in certain parts of the development, rather than being spread evenly across the site."
He added "I also expressed concerns about the provision of just a single point of access/egress to the site, via the A34 at Handforth Dean and the lack of any direct vehicular access to the centre of Handforth. This will, I believe, have the effect of creating a separate community that is geographically isolated from the rest of Handforth, whilst I was also concerned about the ability of emergency vehicles to access the proposed development at busy times."
A spokesperson for Jones Homes said "We were surprised by the decision and are reviewing our options."
Three objections were received to the revised plans, issues raised included: properties on elevated ground resulting in loss of privacy, drainage concerns, impact on public of right of way, too many houses and increased traffic.
The Planning Officer's report stated "The proposed scheme provides an acceptable design and layout, the dwellings are appropriate to the character of the area, sufficient open space is provided in the development and landscaping is reserved for subsequent approval. It is considered that the development would not have a detrimental impact upon neighbouring amenity, ecology (subject to clarification on the ecological buffer), trees, or highway safety."
The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 15/0795M.
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