Planned opening date for Tesco store revealed



We are frequently asked about the development at 17-23 London Road, described by most as the Tesco store. There hasn't been much activity recently and people are beginning to wonder what's happening. 

We've been told by several people that Tesco are no longer coming to Alderley Edge, we've also heard it is going to be a spa and I've been stopped in the street by local business people asking me what's going on.

We know the committee met on October 14th to discuss the planning application and since then despite several emails and phone calls I've received no response to my enquiries from the Case Officer so I decided to have a look around and see what information I could find.

I did manage to speak with the Press Office at Tesco who told us "A developer is building this store for us and it isn't ready yet. I believe they needed revised planning but I suggest you speak to the council about that. We do hope to be opening it by February though."

As many of you know, the building has not been built in line with the permission granted in June 2005 so a retrospective application, 09/2028M, was submitted in July.

Some of the key differences between this recent application and the scheme which had been approved are:

  • The eaves height of the main building has been increased by approximately 300mm and the rear section of the building has been increased by about a metre.
  • The design and positions of the windows on the rear elevation and facing Clifton Street have altered. 
  • The roof design has altered and false chimneys have not been built.
  • The service bay on Clifton Street has been removed, it is now to be a false bay door. A delivery bay is now to be created on London Road, with no HGV's using Clifton Street.
  • An ATM and accesses have been added to the front of the shop.

The committee decided on October 14th that the application be delegated to the Head of Planning and Policy in conjunction with the Chairman for approval, subject to the receipt of amended plans showing chimneys located on the building (unless demonstrated to be unfeasible), subject to the completion of a S106 legal agreement for Traffic Regulation Order amendments and subject to the following conditions:

  • A01AP - Development in accord with approved plans
  • AGRG1 - Details of deliveries
  • ALP71 - limitation on use
  • AGR91 - Ground floor window display
  • Access in accordance with approved plans
  • No obstruction of footway
  • Parking
  • Cycle Parking
  • Access Drive
  • Changing Facilities

In addition the following conditions were also included:-

  • Obscure glazing and non opening windows facing no.1 Clifton Street and the residency above Weinholts
  • Hours of trading to be from 7am-11pm
  • Deliveries between 7am-10am and 4pm-7pm
  • Lighting scheme in the vicinty of the ginnel to be agreed

The planning portal doesn't contain any decision details as yet. I can only assume discussions are ongoing between the developers and Cheshire East and that at some point soon a decision notice will appear on the planning portal. We'll do our best to keep you informed.

Tesco, Tesco , Tesco Express


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Neil Carr
Thursday 26th November 2009 at 11:53 am
Why would we want to impose delivery conditions that cover the busiest times in the village for traffic? Surely those hours should be excluded - not specifically allocated for deliveries?
Beverley Jane Geere
Thursday 26th November 2009 at 3:45 pm
I fully agree with above comment. It is absolutely ludicrous to limit deliveries to village rush hours traffic. Why not specify deliveries before 7.00 am? If the shop opens at 7.00am there has to be staff present then.
Jon Williams
Thursday 26th November 2009 at 10:31 pm
How can you accept deliveries before 7.00am if you don't open till 7.00am, yes a manager might be in sooner, but if you have ever helped to run a busy shop, you will know you can't be in two places at once.
Beverley Jane Geere
Thursday 26th November 2009 at 10:48 pm
Do you honestly believe that the staff arrive and the doors open at 7.00am? This is not a corner shop. I cannot accept that the convenience of staffing a store comes before the village environment. Tesco have already run rough shod over the planning rules, why should they be allowed to continue to plague the village traffic?
Neil Carr
Friday 27th November 2009 at 8:53 am
So, Jon Williams, the whole village should come to a standstill so that the giant Tesco Stores can accept deliveries to suit their staff hours of work? I think it not impossible for Tesco to have staff in at say 05.00 to receive deliveries. Any other way would be the tail wagging the dog but Tesco seem to have an almighty tail in the Alderley vicinity!
Neil Carr
Friday 27th November 2009 at 8:54 am
What is the committe thinking? Tesco put up a building that is at odds with the planning approval and all we do is allow it and meekly suggest that they can deliever any time they like so long as it is in the busiest traffic periods? They shouldn't even have such a store stuck right in the middle of our village anyway, and if they are allowed to be there then there should at least be some flexibilty shown to the community and respect for traffic flows. One minute we get the bypass and in the next we get great big Tesco wagons that will block one way through the village completely whilst they unload? Not on!
Vivienne Marr
Friday 27th November 2009 at 4:38 pm
I still fail to see how this ever got planning permission, especially as it impinges so awfully on number 1 Clifton street. Why I wonder are the developer/councillors/planning authorities allowed to get away with with flouting planning regulations and showing complete disregard for the way the thing looks. Just look at the brickwork and quality of bricks used on the Victorian buildings and compare them to this monstrosity.

As for the missing chimneys, these would just make it a monstrosity with chimneys and I am ready to bet that pigs will fly before chimneys appear. I suspect that if your average householder ignored planning regulations in the same way they would, and should have to put things right.

I still, despite several enquiries want to know who at the end of the day was responsible for this entire debacle. They should hang their heads in shame. Tesco or no Tesco it is just an overlarge eyesore which should never never have been allowed.
Beverley Jane Geere
Friday 27th November 2009 at 6:17 pm
Well I've decided if I don't give it my custom, the shelves won't need replenishing as often so the juggernauts that are ONLY allowed to deliver at heavy traffic periods won't be there as often!... Ms Marr, if you want to know who was responsible for allowing this monstrosity ...Follow the Xmas hampers!
Peter W
Monday 30th November 2009 at 12:30 am
Chimneys - Delivery Time.

Who the h... wants Tesco anyway - chimneys and all.

They suck the lifeblood out of any community.

Name me a local shop that will not suffer - if not be forced to close.

Three for two - check the prices the weeks before - it's absolute c---

Tesco - We do not need.
Claire Shaw
Tuesday 8th December 2009 at 4:41 pm
I think you just all need to move on now! Its happening whether you like it or not they will deliver their stock when it suits them and a few people not shopping there won't compare to the amount of people who will! So good luck to them and I will find it very useful!
Heather Wienholt
Wednesday 9th December 2009 at 8:26 am
A few thoughts...

1. Staff at supermarkets are in very early and many deliveries arrive before 6am, somerfield takes deliveries at 5.30 am. Many things happen in the night without us noticing, it's not just Father Christmas who is busy before dawn (Ho ho ho).

2. Lorries when parked in the delivery bay WILL NOT obstruct the traffic, the road is wide enough to allow traffic to flow.

3. Tesco will not force the small shops of Alderley Edge to close, but it will in fact attract more shoppers to the village. A busy place is a good place to trade in, a ghost town is not.

4. The people of Alderley Edge will use this Tesco. Don't know what you others think but I never rated Somerfields and I will enjoy shopping at Tesco. Which is after all one of our largest national assets.
Claire Shaw
Wednesday 9th December 2009 at 1:11 pm
Totally agree Heather good comment, people have no idea how hard staff work behind the scenes as I well know as a current employee! I think all these people moaning just need to give the new shop a chance.
Stewart Dyer
Thursday 10th December 2009 at 8:43 am
Phrases like "whether you like it or not" and "when it suits them" would appear to accurately reflect the true Tesco philosophy. It is interesting to note the difference between Tesco's attitude to the local community, and that of the Co-operative, as anyone who was at the Festival Hall last night will surely confirm.
Claire Shaw
Friday 11th December 2009 at 12:57 am
You don't know much about Tesco I take it then? Haven't researched the benefits their stores bring to communities, no of course not. You only look for the bad. It could be anything moving into that new build a gentlemans club or anything and you're moaning at a Tesco store which many people will find very useful and will be pleased to see it finally open. The point I was making in my previous comment was that Tesco is a large supermarket chain and if they want something to happen it can and will. And don't be fooled by the free wine and food co op would do exactly the same, as they are also another money fueled business trying to make a profit.
Neil Carr
Friday 11th December 2009 at 11:25 am
When I read the remarks of Tesco employee, Claire Shaw, I wonder if the store itself will be as friendly and empathetic?. With comments like "whether you like it or not"; "they will deliver their stock when it suits THEM"; and "when Tesco want something to will" all sounds very arrogant to me! True of course.
Stewart Dyer
Friday 11th December 2009 at 11:31 am
Are this the type of benefits you are referring to?
Claire Shaw
Friday 11th December 2009 at 5:04 pm
It's quite sad that people actually have the time to make up these pathetic websites like booo hooo we hate Tesco.

Tesco will be opening their shop 3 weeks into 2010 and I personally am very excited shame you can't be. I love my job and am very proud to work for the company and I know the real truth about how they care for their staff, customers and community as it is shown on every shift I complete.

Maybe you should spend more time looking for the good rather than the small amount of bad. There is only a small minority that are opposed to this shop and I know that for a fact as I have the figures. There are alot of positive comments and excited future customers.
Brian Etchells
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 9:43 am
I would be very interested in seeing these figures of yours, what was the size of your survey, when was it conducted etc. I don't hate Tesco, I just don't like their policies. Be informed, ask awkward questions. The Cooperative movement welcome queries, they are a local company with ethical policies and owned by their members not by shareholders, unlike Tesco. Tesco's policy is to pay the cheapest price possible to producers and sell at the highest price people will pay. Why do you think they want to be in this area. They think we are all rich.
Neil Carr
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 10:00 am
Claire, if you "know that for a fact because you have the figures" then perhaps you should share the figures with us? If they are so good I imagine you would want to share them with us to support your so far unsubstantiated claims?
Brian Etchells
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 10:07 am
I also hope that your manager is very proud of you? Are your comments part of the official Tesco advertising campaign, I suggest you check with your manager first before making any more derogatory comments on this website.
Claire Shaw
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 6:54 pm
Yes my store manager is aware, not that's its any of you business. My personal thoughts and opinions are my own to share. I am not advertising for Tesco, I just agree with the new shop opening and agree with their policies, sorry miss wording on previous comment I have seen these private documents and the figures these hold, this was a private independent survey carried out which I do not hold the figures or the rights to release them. Sorry to disappoint

I joined this forum to give my comments which are I am happy for this store to open and hope to see many new customers when it opens, And for the rest of you sorry you lost no hard feelings hey? but better luck next time!
Claire Shaw
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 7:13 pm
Thank you for your responses, but I feel that if you would spend more actually researching your argument, like looking at the Tesco PLC website you would find the benefits to your community. For example later opening hours, more convient shopping etc. I feel that your argument has many floors which you need to consider if you are to gain any credibility with myself or your community as you are a minority, key word.
Lisa Reeves
Saturday 12th December 2009 at 7:52 pm
This has obviously been an emotive subject for many local people.

It would appear that Tesco are definitely opening in the village and whether people use it will ultimately determine whether it will stay in the village.

This discussion has appeared to have run it's course so this particular article is now closed to comments.