£140,000 needed to complete works to Festival Hall


Alderley Edge Parish Council is working to raise an additional £140,000 to complete works to the recently refurbished Festival Hall.

As Councillor Geoff Hall reported on alderleyedge.com in December 2015, they face a significant shortfall, but at the meeting on Monday, 14th March, he confirmed they have raised £110,00 so far which has enabled them to progress with building a hospitality suite alongside the entrance to the hall, which is already well underway.

The Parish Council have set up a Festival Hall Advisory Committee which comprises of councillors Geoff Hall, Christine Munro and Craig Browne, as well as Ashley Comiskey-Dawson (Festival Hall Manager) and three members of the public. They are working to raise the additional £140,000 which is required to complete the three rooms at the back of the hall, to install a lift in the Festival Hall for those who have access problems and to upgrade the Festival in relation to acoustics.

Cllr Geoff Hall said "It looks as though we will need to install acoustic blinds which will double up as black blinds but also we're looking at some acoustic panels above the bar on this end wall to dampen the sound and stop it reverberating back. I don't think we are going to have this in place before the music festival this year.

"There are other aspects like installing lighting and a demountable stage at the far end so it can fulfil a number of different functions.

"So we are looking at a number of potential sources for that including potentially the Arts Council since its promoting arts, the Institute Trust and also looking at possible sources of second hand kitchen equipment and we will be looking at setting up an appeal for people in the village to contribute."

Cllr Christine Munro has submitted some grant applications which they are waiting to hear about, including the Manchester Airport Community Fund.

If you are able to help us in any way with this fundraising effort email Geoff Hall or call him on 01625 581321.

Alderley Edge Parish Council, Festival Hall


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Duncan Herald
Thursday 24th March 2016 at 10:05 am
I'm a tad unclear; is it £140,000 on top of the £110,000 i.e. £250,00 needed, for the extra works, or is it £140,000 of which £110,000 is already raised i.e. 'only' another £30,000 to find ?

Be nice to know who the generous benefactors are, of the £110,000, so that we can say thank you.