Garden waste collections resume after winter break


The collection of household garden waste by Cheshire East Council Garden has restarted after the winter break.

The garden waste service was suspended for 12 weeks from December 8th to save money and because of the seasonal decline in demand.

The Council started emptying green bin again on February 13th.

Click here to find your first collection date of 2015.

Cheshire East Council, Garden Waste Collection, Green Bins


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Fiona Doorbar
Tuesday 17th February 2015 at 7:16 am
I would like the green in collection to resume sooner next year.
Making way for the new season by cutting back and clearing out overspent perrenials has to start earlier than the end of February.
Pete Taylor
Tuesday 17th February 2015 at 7:32 am
Fiona, so would I. Whilst the published "start date" was Friday February 13th, that was actually the end of the period of non-collection. My first green bin clearance will be Friday February 27th, which is too late.
Pauline Anderson
Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 1:37 pm
Even taking composting into account, my green bin is already full, with a huge pile that will have to wait for the next 2 collections before it is (hopefully) gone. As an aside, has anyone actually put stuff stipulated for the green bin in the black bin? I ask because this was what Cheshire East said we could do whilst green bin collections were suspended. I didn't. Simply because I was not 100% sure that the black bin would actually be emptied if it contained 'green waste'.
Fiona Doorbar
Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 4:41 pm
Pauline, I have been putting green waste in my black bin all winter! And not had a problem.
Our large garden is surrounded by our neighbours trees so you cannot begin to believe the amount of leaves we are left to deal with every Autumn.
I would gladly do a tip run if our tip was nearer but it's miles away.

Really hope somebody at the council reads these posts and the situation is reviewed next year.
Personally , I would suggest a collection every 3 weeks through part of the growing season (let's say between June and August) as you only really keep on top of mowing the lawn and a bit of trimming back while all is blooming!,
and keep as many collections going as possible post xmas when you need to clear garden ready for new growth