Have your say on shutdown of garden waste collection


Following feedback on the shutdown of the garden waste collection service last winter, Cheshire East Council is undertaking a consultation on the proposed winter shut down for 2014/15.

Last winter the Council suspended the service for 4 months, from 18th November 2013 to 14th March 2014, in a bid to save the authority more than £1m over the next four years. The previous year the Council stopped the fortnightly collection of green bins for a two month period.

A spokesperson for CEC said "Shutting down the garden waste service over the coldest months of the year ensures efficient use of Council resources and provides carbon savings in reducing vehicle usage at a time of low participation in the service. The consultation seeks to assess views of residents about the timing of the shutdown, the length of shut down and the preferred method of communication to residents."

Adding "Cheshire East Council learned a lot from the errors which emerged from last year's shut down period. We are keen to get it right for this year for our residents."

The consultation runs until 23rd July 2014 and the survey can also be completed on the Cheshire East Council website or at the library.

Residents who normally purchase additional garden waste bins, will not be invoiced until after the consultation.

Cheshire East Council, Garden Waste Collection, Green Bins


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Alan R Davies
Tuesday 17th June 2014 at 4:14 pm
I notice that a number of options are offered for the shutdown period, ranging from 12 weeks up to 18 weeks. The "don't mind" option presumably offers carte blanche. I wrote in "4 weeks", and I suggest that anyone who thinks that 12 weeks or more is unacceptable does likewise. As things stand, the consultation survey is designed to give the response that Cheshire East want to receive.
James MacDonald
Tuesday 17th June 2014 at 11:29 pm
Admitting to errors is a start. They didn't do that last year! Clearly the options should start at 0 weeks. However ultimately it will be a futile exercise because they will ignore the feedback and do what they want anyway.
Craig Browne
Wednesday 18th June 2014 at 9:48 am
The main problem with this survey is that the questions presuppose that residents agree there should be a shutdown at all. As James has pointed out, the list of options does not include "zero weeks" for those of us who believe we are entitled to a service we are already paying for.

This is a bit like going to do your weekly shopping at the supermarket, paying at the checkout and then being asked how many paid-for items you agree to the manager removing from your trolley before you leave, because the supermarket want to save money!
Peter Liddle
Wednesday 18th June 2014 at 7:01 pm
I would find a shutdowm period from 15 December to 31 March to be reasonable on the grounds that we are told there is a need to save money.
Last year leaves were still falling in early December.
Peter Liddle