Cemetery is 'looking 100% better'

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Alderley Edge Cemetery is looking much better after the Parish Council spent the last year pushing for improvements.

Following complaints from local residents that the cemetery was a "total disgrace", four parish councillors carried out an inspection of the cemetery.

Following this visit, councillors Sue Joseph, Duncan Herald, Mary Maczkowiak and Melanie Connor produced a report for Cheshire East Council detailing all the issues they wanted addressing.

Nearly all the requested repairs and actions have now been dealt with both in the cemetery itself and in surrounding places. These include: clearing the paths, cutting hedges, filling planters with plants, removing damaged bollards and filling in holes.

A number of fallen tombstones have now been erected and an ongoing programme should see the remaining toppled headstones reinstated over the next few months.

Cllr Melanie Connor said "The cemetery is looking 100% better. Our thanks to the Cheshire East officers who were and continue to be, very helpful, and to the Parish Council, as a body, for authorising the spending of funds, to "kick start" the improvements.

"There are still a few improvements to be "pushed", mainly highways business and the lodge and we are getting on with this."

Alderley Edge Cemetery, Alderley Edge Parish Council, Cheshire East Council


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Duncan Herald
Tuesday 4th June 2013 at 3:39 pm
Now we have a 'Friends of the Cemetery' group up and running. Hopefully they will get to 'know' the cemetery and so be able to keep a constant run of suggested improvements coming.
Any immediate suggestions 'out there'?