Lack of action over noisy drivers back on the agenda


Cheshire East's lack of action regarding noisy drivers on the A34 Wilmslow bypass has been raised again at a meeting of the full council on Wednesday, 11th December.

As many residents will recall, acoustic cameras were installed on the A34 bypass near the Whitehall Bridge roundabout towards the end of October 2022 as a joint venture between the Police & Crime Commissioner and Cheshire East Highways to crack down on noisy anti-social motorists.

Between the installation of the acoustic cameras and their removal in April 2024 there were a total of 2,021 activations. An activation of the camera is defined as a situation where a vehicle using the road emits a sound which is over 90 dB (so called 'trigger event').

However, Cheshire East had not introduced a Public Space Protection Order - meaning that approximately £200,000 in fines could not be issued, which would have generated much needed funds for the cash-strapped council.

Speaking during member's questions, Councillor Craig Browne said "Over a nine month trial period during 2022/2023 acoustic sound cameras positioned on the ward boundary of Alderley Edge and Wilmslow registered 1921 activations, each exceeding 90 decibels.

"Had a public space order been in place at this time this council would have received nearly £200,000 in fines income. So the business case is there, the evidence is there, the political support is there, the residents have given their backing, the only question remaining is when will Cheshire East Council take action."

Councillor Gorman responded "Extreme noise from tuned-up high performance cars and motorbikes have plagued the residents who live close to the A34 in Wilmslow and Alderley Edge. I thank Councillor Brown for bringing this issue to the attention of the council today.

"Two meetings have been held in the last couple of weeks with members and officers and the police and crime commissioner and proposals are being brought forward to seek a way forward and continue to work with Alderley Edge Parish Council and Wilmslow Town councillors and the office of the police and crime commissioner.

"I understand it will also be referred to the appropriate Cheshire East committee in due course."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

David Hadfield
Sunday 15th December 2024 at 5:52 pm
Yesterday (Saturday 14th December 2024) was an absolute disgrace.
Cars were revving up and engines screaming when I walked through the village.
It was more like a race track than a Cheshire village with lots and lots on onlookers standing around listening to hear the loudest noise ... an absolute disgrace.
Where were the police to control this nonsense ? ...
Why do we pay our Council tax when basic policing is not enforced ?
David Carey
Wednesday 18th December 2024 at 12:39 pm
The first culprit is Cheshire East Council who have not done anything about implementing the Public Space Protection Order and have just sat on their proverbial whilst losing £200,000 in fines when they are almost bankrupt?
The second culprit is Cheshire Police who are also sat on their proverbial, whilst as David above has pointed out they let cars rev up their engines and scream down the village main street like its a car meet race track?
Its only a matter of time until someone gets seriously hurt or killed and then lets see them both of them dive for cover.....
Stephen Maynard
Thursday 19th December 2024 at 6:33 am
You couldn’t make it up - wasting Council Tax payers hard earned money putting in a system but overlooking to have the public space order in place to prosecute so totally ineffective and a waste of time and money !! Like many, we have stopped shopping in the village at weekends as it no longer a pleasant plane to frequent with kids jumping out into the road and cars being driven recklessly and deliberately making unnecessary and excessive noise that frightens us and our children - you never see anyone from the Council nor the Police - a total disgrace and just a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured
Tony Haluradivth
Thursday 19th December 2024 at 11:49 am
Agree with all the common sense sentiments above. Where were our Police on Saturday? The west side pavement was blocked in part by hordes of youngsters, this was obstruction and there were clear crowd control made for a fairly unpleasant experience shopping in our village last Saturday.
David Carey
Thursday 19th December 2024 at 4:22 pm
Thank you Stephen for pointing out a major problems, if it starts putting local people off shopping in the village, then perhaps the shop owners may get on board with whats going on.
With regards to young people jumping out to take photos I reported this to Cheshire Police a long time back as I nearly ran over a young lad who was too busy trying to take a photo of a sports car just in front of me. After complaining about the incident I got a call from Cheshire Police Traffic officer he told me, we cannot do anything as nobody is actually breaking the law here. And yes Tony I also reported to Cheshire Police the fact I had to step onto the road outside Waitrose as the pavement was blocked by too many people trying to take a photo of a sports car speeding down the village.
Joel Chadwick
Monday 23rd December 2024 at 7:48 am
Totally agree with all the above , situation is a
Joke…:::the village was literally a drag racing track and had obviously pre arranged on line
Where were the police ?
Mark Eden
Monday 23rd December 2024 at 3:30 pm
Yet again the uselessness of the public sector is demonstrated. Bankrupt and inept. ............Maybe Alderley Edge should set up it's own private council and police force

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