Plans to demolish two detached dwellings in the village, one of which was destroyed by a huge fire, and replace them with 14 apartments have been approved.
Members of the Northern Planning Committee voted unanimously in favour of North East Cheshire Developments' scheme to demolish "Oaklands" on Wilmslow Road and "The Old Coach House" on Horseshoe Lane and replace them with 14 apartments suitable for older people downsizing or young couples and families.
"Oaklands" is a Victorian villa on Wilmslow Road which was destroyed by a huge fire in 2022 and has been derelict since. The building comprises three floors, including a basement level. Whilst "The Old Coach House" on Horseshoe Lane is a two-storey family home constructed in the 1950s.
The scheme will provide 2 one bedroom, 10 two bedroom and 2 three bedroom apartments with access from Horseshoe Lane.
The Planning Officer had recommended the planning application for approval subject to a S106 agreement to secure a financial contribution of £342,000, including £246,500 to be spent towards the provision of off-site affordable housing.
Alderley Edge Parish Council recommends refusal on the grounds of overdevelopment. Thirteen objections were also received on the grounds of lack of affordable housing information, concerns regarding safety of highway for construction traffic, additional traffic to busy road, insufficient visitor parking and the proposal will cause unacceptable overlooking of existing properties. One letter of support was also received.
Councillor David.Jefferay commented "Whilst the committee recognised the concerns of the local residents, the application was deemed to comply with policy and was thought to bring benefits to Alderley Edge. It was also seen to be important to bring back into use that site instead of it remaining derelict and dangerous."