Decision due on plans for retirement apartments on police station site

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 17.10.52

A decision is due on a planning application for a development of retirement flats on the site currently occupied by Wilmslow Police Station.

McCarthy Stone initially applied in March 2023 to build 56 retirement apartments then in July 2024 they submitted amended plans for 52 apartments for the over 55s, to be built following the demolition of the existing police station.

The four storey building will have a lift to each floor and contain 27 one bedroom and 25 two bedroom apartments.

At ground level the scheme includes a communal room; guest bedroom with two beds and an en-suite; scooter store; entrance; general store; lift; bin store and plant room. At first, second and third floors there are also general store rooms.

Both the new police station and McCarthy Stone apartments would share the same entrance off Beech Lane and there would be 36 parking spaces, including 4 disabled spaces to serve residents, visitors and the house manager.

Whilst the proposals would not comply with policy SC5 Affordable Homes of the CELPS as no on-site affordable housing is to be provided, the Planning Officer is recommending the plans for approval at the Northern Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday, 2nd October, subject to conditions and a s106 agreement to secure:

  • A financial contribution to secure play and amenity space improvements totalling £90,352.57 to be used at Little Lindow, Lindow Common, Carnival Field and The Carrs.
  • A financial contribution to secure improvements to Allotments of £15,254.20 to be used at allotments and community gardens within Wilmslow.
  • A financial contribution to secure Green Infrastructure connectivity totalling £30,508.40 to be used at Carnival Field, Lindow Common and The Carrs.
  • A financial contribution to secure Recreation and outdoor sport improvements totalling £60,233.25 to be used in line with the councils adopted Playing Fields and Outdoor Sports Strategy.
  • A financial contribution for NHS Estates totalling £38,399 towards Wilmslow Health Centre improvements covering: creation of clinical/administrative space internally from previous void spaces; basement conversion for creation of clinical rooms and/or admin space and minor extension to car park.
  • A financial contribution for off-site affordable housing totalling £915,247.

Wilmslow Town Council continue to recommend refusal of this application stating "While efforts have previously been made to respond to the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Group's comments on the building's siting, massing, elevational treatment and parking layout, however, fundamental requirements within the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan for this key site (Reference Policy KS2) have still not been met. These being: Policy KS2 which calls for the provision of a high-density residential development comprising a mix of starter homes, affordable housing and homes appropriate for those wishing to downsize."

Cheshire Constabulary have been granted planning permission to build a new two police station at their site. The replacement two storey police station will be located on the site of the existing car park where there are currently 35 spaces - making a portion of the land available for the development of retirement apartments.

McCarthy Stone's revised plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council planning portal by searching for planning reference 23/0657M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Andy Brown
Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 3:34 pm
No wonder house prices are what they are when financial contributions to the council/authorities total £1,149,994.42.
Tony Haluradivth
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 3:56 am
Over 55's "Retirement complex" who on earth can afford to retire at 55 these days?