Wilmslow High celebrates impressive set of A Level results

Wilmslow High School are celebrating another excellent set of exam results from the class of 2024.

A third of the grades achieved were at A*-A, 57% at A*-B and 82% at A*-C.

Headteacher, Ms Powley said, "we are really proud of the achievements of our Wilmslow students. They have worked hard and deserve to be celebrating their success. We wish them all the best as they move on to a range of exciting destinations."

Across Cheshire East A-level students once again achieved impressive results that are above the national average.

Collectively, they achieved a provisional pass rate of 98.4 per cent**, which is above the national average of 97.2 per cent.

The further breakdown of grades shows that the proportion of students achieving grades A* to A was 24.7 per cent and well over half (51.4 per cent) achieved an A* to B grade.

Councillor Carol Bulman, lead member for children and families at Cheshire East Council, said: "I am delighted to see that our A-level students have continued to achieve incredibly strong levels of performance.

"These fantastic results are an absolute credit to our young people and everyone who has worked so hard to support them – not only their dedicated teachers and support staff but also students' parents and families. It really is a collective effort to support students so that they can achieve such impressive results.

"I am really proud of our students' achievements and I wish them all the very best for the future, whether they are continuing their studies into further or higher education, apprenticeships or taking their first steps into the workplace."

** Awaiting Crewe UTC results

Photos: Rear to Front

Left to Right

1: Katie Thomas, Aleesha Sharma-Singh, James Ware, Zach Harris, Liam Jones, Ben Froggatt

2: Ruby Kalayil Peacock, Lucy Griffiths, Sofia Lucarini

3: Sherife Ayten, Sadie Moore, Ed Coffey, Will Taylor, Dan Thompson, Adam Williams, Ibrahim Yousaf

4: Holly Hillesdon, Jenson Redhead, Azooz, Mourad, Samuel Thomas

A Levels, Wilmslow High, Wilmslow High School

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