The Safety Ambassadors at Alderley Edge Community Primary School have been working on a project to improve road safety around their school with a particular focus on safer parking.
The children decided to write to the Alderley Edge Parish Council to request a grant to support them with a project to purchase two road safety buddies. The buddies are placed outside schools to encourage drivers to slow down and park safely.
The AECPS Safety Ambassadors were delighted to receive a cheque for £370 from the Parish Council to cover the cost and the Safety Ambassadors, with the support of PSCO Jessica Thornley, have been outside the school gate, leafleting parents and other members of the community to remind them to follow the Highway Code, park safely and keep children safe.
Mrs Walsh, Head Teacher of Alderley Edge Community Primary School, said, "Nothing has a greater impact than children themselves taking ownership of a problem, finding a solution and canvassing drivers to park sensibly.
"Keeping our children and other pedestrians safe is very important to us at AECPS and we hope by sharing the important message to drive and park responsibly around schools that drivers will continue to do the right thing to keep all children in Alderley Edge safe on the roads."