Works to install 20 mph zone postponed this weekend

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Due to the weather forecast for this weekend, the works scheduled to take place on London Road have been postponed and the road will remain open over the weekend.

Completion of the lining works on London Road, from Congleton Road to the junction of Wilmslow Road and Ryleys Lane has been rescheduled to take place in the evenings of week commencing Monday 27th February.

The programme of works to introduce traffic calming measures in the village, to create a 20mph zone, commenced on Monday, 30h January.

It is hoped to complete the works by the end of February, and the council says it plans to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Click here to view the programme of works.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Andy Brown
Monday 20th February 2023 at 11:44 am
The weather was absolutely fine over the weekend.
Vic Barlow
Tuesday 21st February 2023 at 5:54 pm
Nothing to do with weather and everything to do with lazy contractors!
Tony Haluradivth
Monday 27th February 2023 at 1:19 pm
Too right Vic Barlow...the weather was fine. 3 weekends ago when they blocked the road we saw one contractor standing there with his chips spread out on the barricade one leaning over the barricade scrolling on his mobile and the 3rd was queueing up outside the Chippie. (Presumably the first fellow was not the sharing type;)) Of course they need breaks and rest periods but there is no need to be so blatant plus I gather they are not all supposed to be on R&R at the same moment
Jeffrey Dennis
Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 9:21 am
Sorry but all the "platforms" which are intended to dissuade our exotic car owners from cluttering up Alderley Edge on Summer weekends are supposedly finished. What a complete waste of money and I fully supported the 20mph zone and its methodology. These platforms appear to permit traffic to pass over them at up to 30mph without any sign of vehicular or passenger distress. Quite simply, they are not high enough. Even the very low ground clearance supercars will have no trouble in driving over them. I haven't measured the height of these "platforms" but I am pretty sure that they do not form as complete an obstacle to progress as the other type of "sleeping policemen" found in, for example, Ivy Road in Macclesfield. Very disappointed and looking forward to yet more weekend disturbance in 2023.
Vince Chadwick
Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 6:06 pm
If you are correct, Jeffrey Dennis, that's excellent news. It means they are less likely to cause broken suspension and out-of-sight deadly tyre wall failure (the inner wall) on ordinary cars even when taken at 20mph. (4 X 4s of course can ignore even steep and high ones anyway). Or cause significant problems for ambulances with patients on board.

Since it hasn't been possible to drive through Alderley Village at >20mph in living memory due cars parking at the roadside, turning into side roads or Waitrose car park, or stopping at the two light-controlled pedestrian crossings, such road humps are superfluous anyway.

The only regret is the wasted money in constructing them. But apparently that was voted for in a referendum, as if that makes it OK; but at least road humps won't turn out to be the self-inflicted total disaster that other referendum led to.
Jon Williams
Sunday 5th March 2023 at 7:01 pm
Great to see all the supercars in the village again yesterday, even better now as one or two slow down on the road humps, taking video's / photo's is a good hobby for anyone.