Following a public consultation plans to close the helpdesk at Wilmslow Police Station as part of a state-of-the-art redevelopment scheme have been approved.
The plans will see the current station redeveloped to create a new, fit for purpose zero carbon station at the site with a view to become fully operational in around Summer 2023.
Cheshire Constabulary say that the new station will not only help save tens of thousands of pounds in both utilities and maintenance costs but will also allow them to sell the remainder of the unused land and reinvest any money back into local policing to help make Cheshire a safer place to work and visit.
Having looked at visiting patterns to the station over the last few years, there is generally less than 20 visitors per week and not all of these visitors require police service.
As such, The plans for Wilmslow Police Station did not include a helpdesk, because over the last few years there has generally been less than 20 visitors per week and not all of these visitors require police service. Instead there be an exterior direct dial phone that connects to the police control room.
Eastern Area Commander, Superintendent Peter Crowcroft, said: "We have carefully considered all the feedback that we have received from the public,
"The feedback received from our communities has helped us take a step closer to realising our exciting plans for a new police station on the same site.
"The decision will allow us to move forward our commitment for an estate that is fit for the future based on operational needs and to have a police service that is truly connected with its local communities."
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
I would have thought we should have some say in the service we will receive from our local police station. I would be interested to hear the views of others.
It seems quite reasonable to consider the matter therefore closed regardless of a subsequent invitation for general comment on police services.
Political point scoring was not what I had in mind. We need a system that keeps us safe which to me is of greater importance.