Alderley Edge candidates confirmed for May local elections


With the deadline for the nomination of candidates for the upcoming local elections having passed we can now confirm the people who have been nominated for election as Councillor for the Alderley Edge Borough Ward on Cheshire East Council and Alderley Edge Parish Council.

The election for all Councillors in Cheshire East Borough Council and Alderley Edge Parish Council will be held on Thursday 2nd May. Votes will be counted on Friday 3rd May 2019 and the results will be posted on as soon as they are known.

There are 52 wards and 82 councillors on Cheshire East Council. Depending on the population, wards are represented by one, two or three councillors.

Alderley Edge Ward is represented by one councillor and there will be three candidates standing for this position:

  • Keith Andrew Boxer, Green Party
  • Paul Nicholas Brearley, Conservative Party
  • Craig Julian Browne, Alderley Edge First*

The eleven candidates standing for the nine seats on Alderley Edge Parish Council are:

  • Paul Nicholas Brearley, Conservative Party
  • Craig Julian Browne, Alderley Edge First*
  • Bev Chapman, Alderley Edge First*
  • Ashley Comiskey Dawson, Independent
  • Mike Dudley-Jones, Alderley Edge First*
  • Myles Thomas Garbett, Alderley Edge First*
  • Rachael Emily Grantham, Alderley Edge First*
  • Sarah Louise Greenwood, Alderley Edge First*
  • Geoff Hall, Alderley Edge First*
  • Liz Marshall, Alderley Edge First
  • Mike Taylorson, Alderley Edge First*

I will be publishing an article about each of the candidates over the coming weeks so if you are standing for election or know one of the people who is please ask them to email me on [email protected] so I can get in touch.

*Current Councillor.

2019 Local Elections


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mark Francis
Thursday 4th April 2019 at 1:21 pm
Alderley Edge First have done such an outstanding job. Always visible, accessible and always keeping us updated with local news and improvement initiatives. Keep up the good work and passion you have for our village.
Marc Asquith
Thursday 4th April 2019 at 3:34 pm
Let's hope for at least some opposition in the ranks - holding AE1st to account....
Alan Brough
Thursday 4th April 2019 at 10:35 pm
@ Marc Asquith,

If you read the preceding article carefully, you’ll see that there WILL be opposition to AE1st in the upcoming election.

I (for one) hope that that opposition will be defeated and (more importantly) we will see more Independant councillors appointed to break the Conservative stranglehold on CEC and bring balance and reason where currently it doesn’t exist.
Vince Fogharty
Thursday 4th April 2019 at 10:42 pm
Why do we need to hold Alderley Edge first to account???? They have been more transparent this last 5 years than those useless previous ones were in all the years they stood. Have they got it right all the time? Nope of course not. But the difference is as residents we know what's going on and what's being spent... for me I wish they could replicate this formula at the dubious and secretive old school CEC. Let's hope those imbeciles are held to account!
Duncan Herald
Friday 5th April 2019 at 8:44 am
Hi Vince and Alan,
in the interest of clarity and fair-mindedness, might you mention also the party currently 'run' by Marxist, Anti-Semites? They make C.E. seem almost normal!
Alan Brough
Saturday 6th April 2019 at 7:44 am
Good morning Duncan,

As someone who “tends” toward Conservatism in national politics, I share some of your smugness at the parlours state of the current opposition. It has to be said however that Theresa May is now locked in a room with the arch baddy, trying desperately to sip from the same cup!

But non of that is relevant to the local elections. Party politics has served us really badly in bringing about many of the problems Alderley Edge and surrounding areas are wrestling with.

The inability to break the Conservative stranglehold on CE has brought about shoddy decision-making, complacency and corruption.

The many ongoing investigations into members of CE Council is (to say the least) a cause for concern and it’s keeping the writers at Private Eye magazine incredibly busy these past few months.

Do you really wish for more of the same?
Duncan Herald
Saturday 6th April 2019 at 1:38 pm
Smugness? No. Fear of H.M.Loyal Opposition yes.

Mrs. May has imho, surely let us all down? But as you suggest, let's stick to local matters.

I do think there's an unfair touch of 'Tar with the same brush' re. Tory Councillors at C.E.
When (if?) any legal steps are taken against C.E. Councillors, of any party, only then can you/we actually villify?
Duncan Herald
Saturday 6th April 2019 at 1:44 pm
Good luck to the Independent, the Green and the Conservative; if elected (1 or 2 or 3) it will mean new view/s instead of uniformity.
However, the best people will win I'm sure.
David Carey
Thursday 11th April 2019 at 5:01 pm
Mark Francis summed it up to a tee. Keep up the great work.