Police focus on poor parking


PCSO Jim Newns dealt with a number of illegally and dangerously parked cars in the village during December.

He issued 21 Fixed Penalty Notices and six Police Advisory Notices to offending vehicles.

The problems involved vehicles parking at bus stops, parking next to solid white lines, parking on junctions and parking across drop down curbs.

Inspector Sue Mills said "These are all issue that are continually reported to us by local residents and affect the local community. They are issues that we will continue to focus on in the new year."

Speeding and parking issues around Alderley Edge will remain a priority for the Neighbourhood Police Team, particularly around the local schools.

The Police will work with local schools, Cheshire East Highways and Alderley Edge Parish Council to try and combat these issues. This work will involve joint patrolling and initiatives run by Police to enforce speed limits and deal with parking obstructions.

They will also be running regular Speed Enforcement Days with the Fire Service over the next few months.

Inspector Sue Mills, Jim Newns, Parking, Parking


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Tuesday 7th January 2014 at 9:20 pm
Well he is only doing what he is paid to do and this should have started years ago.
Karen Robinson
Tuesday 7th January 2014 at 11:07 pm
Those bookings should be each day not 1 month! Come on! Think of the money the police/council could be making!
Deleted Account False Name
Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 4:27 pm
I'd love to see them come to Eaton Drive in the mornings - it boggles the mind! People parking feet away from the curb on a corner, double parking and even parking on the pavement. Always a pleasure trying to leave my house and get to work... not.