New tables add a touch of colour to Alderley Edge park

Two new picnic tables have been installed near the children's play area in Alderley Edge park today and already appear to be a popular addition.

These are replacements for the picnic table which was installed by Friends of the Park in June last year but was unfortunately set alight and destroyed by vandals in May (see photos above). The second table is a replacement for the wooden one which Cheshire East Council removed from inside the play area for health and safety reasons.

The new red and yellow picnic tables are made of steel, so hopefully resistant to vandalism.

Cllr Duncan Herald, commented "The benches have been placed adjacent to the young children's play area and as that is painted in primary colours, it was thought that the benches should match/blend.

"I believe that it is important to 'get on top' of vandalism; not surrender to the mindless few, so 'they' will not spoil 'our' park."

The benches cost £800, including fixing, which the Parish Council has funded. Initially they agreed to pay £800 to replace the vandalised bench but with CEC having since removed the wooden bench they have managed to persuade the supplier to agree to provide both benches for the same cost.

Linda Sower, who walks her dog in the park, commented "I think the children will love them, they are a real asset to the playground. They are lovely and bright and cheerful."

Duncan Herald added "So far the response from people in the park has been 100% positive, comments received include they're nice and comfy, I love the bright colours, they're in just the right place and this is money well spent."

Cllr Herald is also pleased to report that the bins are now being emptied three times a week, rather than twice, during the summer and the flower beds are now being attended by the people who mow the grass.

Alderley Edge Park, Duncan Herald


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Fenton Simpson
Friday 16th August 2013 at 6:50 pm
Great news for the park but what about the war memorial ? It's looking abandoned with the weeds coming up.

Who maintains this important place in the village?

I sprayed the weeds with weed killer last week on my home from my allotment but I don't think it's the first time the maintenance has been in question here.
Sarah Lane
Saturday 17th August 2013 at 7:35 am
Wow £800 for those two picnic tables. The Council agreed to pay £800 to replace the bench. £800 for a bench!!!

Strangest picnic tables I have ever seen.
Duncan Herald
Sunday 18th August 2013 at 10:29 am
Good Morning Sarah,
sadly the bench/tables provided have to be (we hope) vandal-proof... so that rules out your standard wooden ones... the two new ones are replacing two wooden benches, not one... the last metal bench (one of those around the bowling green etc.) cost approx. £1.200 (provided and paid for by C.E.)... as to the appearance and colours; that is down to me; I was tired of boring brown rectangles! and the new ones cost less than two new big, wooden ones. Enjoy!
Duncan Herald
Sunday 18th August 2013 at 10:34 am
' Morning Fenton,
When the rather dilapidated state of the war memorial was brought to the attention of the Parish Council, some time ago, we decided to 'do something'... first we spent ages finding out who 'owned' war memorials... then we had to find out which body was responsible for looking after them...all that took 'forever'...then we spent time getting C.E. to agree to repair, relay etc.
Now there's a matter of upkeep; you have been public spirited... I occasionally pull up weeds... I'm sure other do stuff as well... can C.E. be talked into an occasional spot of gardening? Don't know; can only try... but I suspect that we'll mainly have to do it for ourselves!
Melanie Connor
Sunday 18th August 2013 at 7:05 pm
Duncan, Fenton - I did a bit if weeding 1st thing as don't hold out any hope of upkeep from CEC, but I will ask the Lengsthman to have a look and we will get it looking smarter.
As for the table - great comments from kids & parents who love them.
Now we are getting the dilapidated bench on Chorley Hall Lane, which was over 40 years old,replaced. It will be like the one further up the road.
Sarah Lane
Sunday 18th August 2013 at 7:57 pm
Dare I say a waste of money then. Yes I know I will be alone in these thoughts.

What's wrong with spreading a blanket on the ground if you want a picnic at the park.

Something will happen to them no doubt.
Duncan Herald
Sunday 18th August 2013 at 10:49 pm
Hi Sarah
wet grass? Grass with pigeon poo? Children crawling and picking up tape worm eggs?
Damn dangerous place a park eh?
We could stop replacing benches... and seats... and play equipment... and paths... and tennis courts... stop grass mowing?... let thistles run riot on the bowling green?... renounce worldly goods?... smear ourselves with woad and hunt down Romans?
Damn dangerous that Pimms!
Sarah Lane
Monday 19th August 2013 at 12:55 pm
Oh dear Duncan, slightly melodramatic there.
Duncan Herald
Tuesday 20th August 2013 at 10:45 am
Hi Sarah
I always try (broad) humour wherever possible.
To be serious then: a local park and the state it is in surely says a lot about both the people living in the village and about the local Councillors?
When I talk with visitors to the park i.e. people not from around here, they are usually complimentary about our park; sometimes to the detriment of their own local park.
By the way, if you have any suggestions re. the park, please put them forward; I don't believe that I am the 'special one'... but do please bear in mind that the parish Council doesn't own the park (that's Cheshire East) so ought that I can get done is purely by 'asking nicely'.
Ricky Lee
Tuesday 20th August 2013 at 11:54 am
Hi Duncan,

I have some suggestion for CE.

I know the park does have rubbish cleared about 2 to 3 times a week depending on season, I want to suggest that once a week or once a fortnight, if the clearing can extends out to the hedges especially near the rail line as there are rubbish and bottles thrown into the undergrowth, one day a poor child would fall into it and cut themselves with glass.

As our glorious summer soon going to be over, does CE have plans to clear any drain blockage regularly?

I also noted one of the old oak tree has a massive fungus growing on the side, can anything be done to it? i.e. remove the fungus and treat the tree?
Duncan Herald
Wednesday 21st August 2013 at 10:44 am
Hi Ricky,
1. the bin emptying is twice a week in 'winter' and 3 times a week during summer i.e. school hols.
2. rubbish around edge of park; I'll try to get C.E. to do an occasional around the edge.
3. I rather like the fungi; most of them don't cause too much harm to the trees but I'll call it to the attention of the C.E. Parks Officers.
4. Drain un-blocking has been requested by me once this year; I'll send a 'pretty-please reminder out.
Ricky Lee
Wednesday 21st August 2013 at 12:26 pm
Thanks Duncan,

I guess with C.E., if we don't raise the issues they would assume that everything is OK.

'If you don't ask, you don't get' (assuming request is genuine, sensible and achievable)

In that case thinking ahead, I have one for the highways department. Every year in winter, Eaton drive and street connected to it doesn't get gritted at all. It is extremely dangerous with children going to school and parents driving round the slippery and blind corner of Eaton Drive. It would be nice that the highways department include this area to be gritted next time when we get snow.
Duncan Herald
Wednesday 21st August 2013 at 5:48 pm
Highways work is now 'subbed out' to a commercial company called 'Ringway Jacobs' (I think).
So any suggestions/complaints should be addressed to Highways at the C.E. H.Q. but then you'll need to check that its been passed on to 'Ringway Jacobs'... welcome to Wonderland, Alice!
Duncan Herald
Tuesday 27th August 2013 at 7:12 pm
Ricky et al... I've 'asked nicely' at C.E. and I believe that there will be a litter collection from around the periphery sometime quite soon... those nice C.E. Officers are helping as usual!
You've only to ask and the Parish Council leaps into action!
David Emmerson
Saturday 31st August 2013 at 11:13 am
Regarding the war memorial, i had a few minutes spare this morning so i removed the weeds, cleared up the leaves etc and sprayed inbetween the flags. I walk past it regulary with my dogs and it's a shame how it looks neglected- as mentione earlier if we all do a bit when passing it may look cared for.
Giles Geddes
Monday 2nd September 2013 at 10:58 pm
Used the new benches last weekend. Although I preferred the previous (unfortunately flammable) version, I just wanted to thank those concerned for providing a replacement.

I did nearly lose a cheese barm between the slats but I do accept that this compromise between indestructibility and sarnie stability is the price we have to pay if we want tables to last more than a few weeks in the modern world.

As an aside, when I lived in Salford, the local park was a needle strewn smack dealing hell hole with broken equipment, and if a kid fell in dog poo they were just glad for a soft landing.

Sometimes people don't realise just how lucky they are.
Duncan Herald
Sunday 20th October 2013 at 9:49 pm
Drains dug out.. as you suggested.... no more 'lakes' for a while!