Police target illegal parking on Macclesfield Road


Police targeted drivers parking illegally on Macclesfield Road yesterday, on the stretch near to The Wizard.

Tickets were issued to a row of vehicles who were completely blocking the pavement, forcing people to walk in the road.

PCSO Jim Newns said "When I went up there there were ten cars parked fully on the pavement so people had to endanger their lives by walking in the road."

He added "I have been ticketing up there so people realise it is an offence. It is downright inconsiderate and dangerous."

Two years ago National Trust wardens erected no parking signs with the police crest and advice about not parking along this stretch of Macclesfield Road in an attempt to deter drivers from parking illegally.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Alison Warburton
Monday 22nd October 2012 at 9:02 am
Great news, I'm constantly having to walk on the road as a car has parked to block the pavement... please can the police crackdown on pavement parking in other local areas Wilmslow, Bramhall, Cheadle as the problem's becoming widespread.
Paul Davies
Monday 22nd October 2012 at 9:57 am
It's a symptom of the lack of available parking up near to The Edge on days like Sunday when people want to go out walking.

I understand the issues with people parking on the pavement (you see it everywhere these days) but I'm not sure whether there's a lot that can be done about it without offering new places for people to park legally.

I tried to find a space in the car park next to The Wizard a few weeks ago and eventually gave it up as a bad idea and went walking in Tatton instead, where you can find places to park.
Sarah Lane
Monday 22nd October 2012 at 4:17 pm
Are people getting more and more selfish nowadays? It sure seems like it. How utterly selfish to park fully on the pavement. Do these people only ever consider themselves to be important.
Brian Etchells
Monday 22nd October 2012 at 10:17 pm
Can you make sure that the same area is targeted every weekend. I live in Over Alderley, every weekend the parking by the Wizard is positively dangerous.

Not as dangerous as the idiots who do uturns in the middle of Macclesfield road instead of turning around on the car park. An accident waiting to happen.
James MacDonald
Monday 22nd October 2012 at 10:19 pm
I agree with Alison and Sarah. I can't remember the last time I went for a walk without seeing at least one vehicle parked fully or partially on the pavement. BTW I walk regularly too!

If you consider the impact of this selfishness, how dangerous is this for the blind, the elderly, children, parents with buggies, etc, etc.

Also, apart from the obvious terrible parking around schools, a lot of this occurs in the evenings and weekends when I believe there is little or no enforcement...?
Wendy Scott
Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at 5:17 pm
You want to try turning out of the path at the side of The Wizard when 4x4's are parked on the front pull-in. An accident waiting to happen!!
Christopher Hassall
Wednesday 24th October 2012 at 12:44 am
I hope this included the stretch of Macclesfield Road coming down the hill on the left hand side towards the village. I counted 16 cars parked on the pavement the last time I walked down a week so ago. Of these 5 were completely blocking the pavement.