Police warning after spate of building site thefts

Over recent weeks there has been an increase in the theft of equipment such as copper piping, kitchen units, fitted electrical appliances, bathroom furniture, tools and plant machinery from premises under renovation.

Residents are being urged to be vigilant if they are having work done on their home, to try and keep the property as secure as possible and never leave equipment or tools on view. If residents have premises on their road which are under renovation they are being urged to take a note of strange vehicle registration numbers.

A spokesperson from Cheshire Police said "Following recent thefts from building sites in the Alderley Edge area, officers have been gathering information on suspicious vehicles. Patrols are making a check of certain areas identified as current hots spots when permitted, and stop checks are being made.

"Anyone who sees anything suspicious should contact Wilmslow Neighbourhood Police Unit on 0845 458 000 to help us identify the culprits."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Lisa Reeves
Tuesday 2nd August 2011 at 6:34 pm
Cheshire Police have informed me that they believe a 'T' registered white Renault Kangoo van might be connected to the increase of plant machinery theft in the area.

If you see anyone acting suspiciously please call 0845 458 0000.