Show off your produce at 73rd annual show


With less than a month to go, plans are well underway for the 73rd annual flower, vegetable and craft Show.

The competitive show is open for everyone to enter and will feature 24 flower classes, 35 vegetable and fruit classes and newcomers classes - as well as those covering domestic crafts, photography and cookery.

Additionally youngsters are encouraged to get involved in the 10 children's and young adults classes.

The 2014 Alderley Edge Allotments and Gardens Society Show will be held at Alderley Edge School for Girls on Saturday 30th August. The schedule of classes can be picked up from the library and you will find an entry form attached. Each entry costs 30p, except the children's and young adults entries which are free.

Mike Dudley Jones commented "Young or old - it's all good fun. There are delicious refreshments provided by Wienholt's and with prize giving at 4.30 and a big raffle draw at 4.45 it's a fun afternoon out. It's lighthearted and all held in a convivial atmosphere.

"The organizers, the Alderley Edge Allotments and Gardens Society, hope you will support the Show, in its 73rd Year."

Entry forms must be submitted by Wednesday 27th August and then entries need to be brought to the Millennium Hall at Alderley Edge School for Girls on Friday evening, 29th August. Judging of the classes will take place on the morning of the show and at 12 noon the show opens with the judges decisions available for all to see.

Admission to the show is £1 for adults and children are free.

Alderley Edge Allotment & Gardens Society, Allotment and Garden Society Show


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Fenton Simpson
Wednesday 6th August 2014 at 9:37 pm
If you have never entered before please do as you never know how your entry will do. In my first year I got 3 first prizes ! And as Mike has said we have the new comers trophy. But newbies can enter any class they wish.

But it's not just about prizes it's village event and you can come and see what the village has been growing, making and cooking in preparation for the show.

Please enter or just come along to support our show. Thanks to the Alderley Edge school for girls and the Alderley edge hockey club for supporting the show this year.

Also thanks to the show Committe and helpers in advance for making the day possible.

Fenton simpson
Chairman Alderley Edge Allotment and a Gardens Society