The Dogfather: Taster classes for dog owners

The Dogfather: Taster classes for dog owners

Once summer is over there will be a rush of owners who want to start training their dog/puppy. Choosing a training class for your dog is like visiting…
The Dogfather: Don't wait for your dog to grow out of unruly behaviour

The Dogfather: Don't wait for your dog to grow out of unruly behaviour

I was asked by a frantic owner what she could do about her dog's aggression. It had, apparently, attacked a neighbour's dog who was simply passing by.…
The Dogfather: Is it a training problem or a management issue?

The Dogfather: Is it a training problem or a management issue?

Some of the behaviours owners complain about are not training problems but management issues. There is no training programme on earth that will prevent…
The Dogfather: Give us a clue

The Dogfather: Give us a clue

Whenever I meet owners who tell me their dogs lunge at other dogs they meet while out walking I try to put myself in the dog's shoes. What would make…
The Dogfather: Dog behaviour clinic on Sunday 28th June

The Dogfather: Dog behaviour clinic on Sunday 28th June

If I was unable to accommodate you and your dog at any of my recent behaviour clinics I will be at Alderley Edge Village Fete at Alderley Cricket Club…
The Dogfather: Too busy to train my dog

The Dogfather: Too busy to train my dog

We all seem to live such busy lives. If we're not taxiing children from one activity to another we're working, attending functions or going on holiday.…
The Dogfather: Are you a 'Believer'?

The Dogfather: Are you a 'Believer'?

After two full days of Master Class handlers learned an awful lot about their dogs and even more about themselves."My dog can't/won't do that," was a…
The Dogfather: Do I go home today?

The Dogfather: Do I go home today?

(I make no apology for reproducing this anonymous poem I discovered among my dog files. It sums up the plight of many of the dogs I meet in my work) My…
The Dogfather: The power of positive thinking

The Dogfather: The power of positive thinking

Flash, an English bull Terrier, is a formidable character. Owner Gemma told me he was aggressive to other dogs, which wasn't a huge surprise. She had…
The Dogfather: How to get your dog to come when called

The Dogfather: How to get your dog to come when called

The most common complaint I heard at last week's Dog Behaviour Clinic was 'My dog won't come back when I call him/her.' It is mightily frustrating when…
The Dogfather: If you have a dog problem help is at hand

The Dogfather: If you have a dog problem help is at hand

A huge thank you to all those dogs that trusted me to deal with their issues at Sunday's Teggs Nose Behaviour Clinic. Some simply suffered from lack of…
The Dogfather: The Great British Bark-Off

The Dogfather: The Great British Bark-Off

If you have been stressed-out struggling with an unruly dog this article is for you. Sunday May 10 is the start of our 2015 Great British Bark-Off campaign…
The Dogfather: Trust and Respect

The Dogfather: Trust and Respect

It's easy to gain a dog's trust. Winning his respect is another matter. Feeding him, providing water and shelter will soon gain his trust but that doesn't…
The Dogfather: Lenny loses his fear

The Dogfather: Lenny loses his fear

Lenny the lurcher had a BIG problem with footballs. How did I know? His owner told me. One bounce of the ball was enough to send Lenny into a quivering…
The Dogfather: Camel drovers show the way

The Dogfather: Camel drovers show the way

During a recent holiday I was persuaded to take a camel ride against my better judgement. Imagine my surprise when I saw a train of over 200 beasts lying…
The Dogfather: Don't 'kill' your dog with kindness

The Dogfather: Don't 'kill' your dog with kindness

This week a rescue centre asked me to assess a boisterous terrier that was proving impossible to re home. He'd lasted less than a day with his previous…
The Dogfather: How good is your relationship with your dog?

The Dogfather: How good is your relationship with your dog?

Does your family pooch have a training problem or a relationship problem? I work with lots of dogs who will simply not sit, stay or walk to heel for their…