The Dogfather: The Great British Bark-Off


If you have been stressed-out struggling with an unruly dog this article is for you. Sunday May 10 is the start of our 2015 Great British Bark-Off campaign where I aim to improve the relationship between dogs and their owners.

I shall be a Teggs Nose Country Park in Macclesfield SK11 0AP with my Behaviour Clinic from 10 am this coming Sunday and for a £10 donation to a local animal charity I will work one-on-one with your dog on any behaviour issues he/she may have. I guarantee you will be amazed at the results.

On the weekend of June 6/7 I will be running a two-day Master Class for all those busy owners who have been promising themselves to come to a training class but just can't commit.

This is two full days of hands on training in a real outdoor environment so if your dog finds the distraction of the great outdoors just too tempting this would be a weekend well spent. The Master Class is an eight-week training course condensed into one weekend.

You can find full details on my website

There is absolutely no reason for any family not to live in harmony with their dog. Dogs are by nature social animals (they have to be to live in a pack) but sometimes they lose their way. When shown the route back into balance they will always follow it-it's in their DNA.

This is something I do every day and it's not as difficult as it seems. Once you have the knowledge you can do it too.

I've never met a dog I couldn't help (I have met a few tricky owners) so please don't give up on him/her. There are few things more rewarding than rehabilitating a troubled dog.

Regardless of the problem help is at hand. The only proviso being that if your dog has an aggression problem please get him used to wearing a good muzzle. I must keep ALL the dogs safe while we are working.

Any problems just email me or text me at 07590-560012.

The Dogfather, Vic Barlow


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sue Joseph
Tuesday 5th May 2015 at 7:41 pm
As a dog lover and formerly owner, who sadly lives in a place which is unsuitable for having a dog, I would like to say how much I enjoy your weekly column. One sees so many unhappy dogs who clearly need a strong pack leader so that they can feel secure and know their place in the family 'pack.' I hope your weekend training course is very successful.
Vic Barlow
Wednesday 6th May 2015 at 12:26 pm
Thanks Sue. I am on a lifetime mission to improve the relationship between dogs and owners.

It is pitiful to see so many stressed-out dogs (and owners)
I can change a dog's behaviour in 10 minutes simply with a demonstration of Leadership.

Once owners witness this they are on the way...