The Dogfather: Trust works both ways with dogs

The Dogfather: Trust works both ways with dogs

After three sessions with an unruly Staffie I asked his owner why she was so tense. "I don't trust him," she replied and right there was the answer for…
The Dogfather:

The Dogfather: "I know it's me .... I know it's me"

I hear this comment from frustrated dog owners every day but they rarely mean it. What they are looking for is a quick fix to their dog's behaviour problem.
The Dogfather: For busy dog owners our June masterclass may be the answer

The Dogfather: For busy dog owners our June masterclass may be the answer

If, like many other owners, you struggle to find time in your weekly schedule to train your dog I may have the answer. On Saturday and Sunday June 11/12…
The Dogfather: Learning to read your dog

The Dogfather: Learning to read your dog

I was asked to accompany a new family on their selection of a rescue dog today. They had made their decision on a previous visit and wanted me to confirm…
The Dogfather: My Dog Behaviour Clinic comes to Wilmslow

The Dogfather: My Dog Behaviour Clinic comes to Wilmslow

There are some days in life that are truly memorable. I experienced such a day last Saturday at my Congleton Dog Behaviour Clinic where over two-dozen…
The Dogfather: Do you have a problem dog?

The Dogfather: Do you have a problem dog?

I was running a Behaviour Clinic in Astbury Mere two years ago when I received a call from a distressed owner on her way to see me. "Help me, my dog won't…
The Dogfather: A real chance to resolve your dog's behaviour

The Dogfather: A real chance to resolve your dog's behaviour

As most of you know I am on a lifetime mission to improve relationships between owners and their dogs. If you can't find time to attend my classes, read…
The Dogfather: Working with difficult dogs

The Dogfather: Working with difficult dogs

A very wise trainer once told me: "Owners may not get the dog they want but they often get the dog they need." Over the years I have found this to be…
The Dogfather: Curing nervous behaviour

The Dogfather: Curing nervous behaviour

I've been working with a Tibetan terrier with nervous issues this week. Tommy hates being groomed and hides whenever a stranger approaches. Faced with…
The Dogfather: Is your dog barking mad?

The Dogfather: Is your dog barking mad?

A farmer came to see me recently with Jack, his German Shepherd Dog, complaining that he 'never stops barking.' "He's driving me and my missus mad," the…
The Dogfather: Silence of the Lambs

The Dogfather: Silence of the Lambs

Spring is almost upon us and we, as dog owners, have to do better. Attacks on livestock were horrendous last year. There are pictures I could show that…
The Dogfather: Creatures of routine

The Dogfather: Creatures of routine

At 12 years-old Murphy is my senior dog. He's travelled thousands of miles in the back of my truck, slept in hotel rooms, barns, kennels and sheds without…
The Dogfather: Why a muzzle can be your dog's best friend

The Dogfather: Why a muzzle can be your dog's best friend

You don't need a lot of equipment to walk a dog. A collar and simple rope lead is usually enough unless you have an exceptionally strong dog then maybe…
The Dogfather: Don't overdo the treats

The Dogfather: Don't overdo the treats

I'm often asked if I use treats to train my dogs and the answer is an unqualified yes. It's the logical way to teach young pups the basic positions of…
The Dogfather: Why your dog won't come when called

The Dogfather: Why your dog won't come when called

Owners often call me with some overwhelming complaint concerning their dog's behaviour. "My dog will not come back when called," they tell me in utter…
The Dogfather: What is good for us is not always good for our dogs

The Dogfather: What is good for us is not always good for our dogs

Judging by the massive amount of doggie clothing sold this Christmas one has to ask whose needs these owners are fulfilling? This thought was triggered…
The Dogfather: The dog training minefield

The Dogfather: The dog training minefield

There are a million theories on dog training and they all vary. There's actually a belief in some circles that you should never give your dog a command…