The Dogfather: "I know it's me .... I know it's me"


I hear this comment from frustrated dog owners every day but they rarely mean it.

What they are looking for is a quick fix to their dog's behaviour problem.
 I would be a billionaire if I had a pill that turned an untrained dog into a trained dog.

Trust me... whatever behaviour your dog displays is a mirror of what surrounds him on a daily basis. 
Excited unruly dogs don't invent themselves they are created by the people and animals that surround them. In order to change a dog's behaviour pattern the people around the dog MUST change theirs.
 It's a very unpopular message to deliver as it involves time effort and commitment but there is no other way and anyone suggesting otherwise does not really understand dogs.

Dogs are creatures of habit and changing habits takes time and consistency.
 Never give money to anyone suggesting a quick fix. It just won't happen.

There are 'organisations' charging up to £500 for a 'consultation' on solving dog aggression problems and they do it all without ever handling the dog.

I have but one question: How?

How can an owner handing over £500 learn how to rehabilitate an aggressive dog by simply talking about it? They make it sound simple. It isn't but the allure of 'fixing' a difficult behaviour problem with one discussion is too much for some owners to resist. It's 'a quick fix' when in reality there is no such thing.

You learn how to help a dog by working directly with him/her over a period of time not by sitting in a comfy armchair.

If you have a difficult dog problem don't give up or waste your time and money looking for a miracle cure – there aren't any.

Come along to one of my classes and we will work together with your dog on a long term solution that will work for both of you.

Visit for details.

The Dogfather, Vic Barlow