Plans for country park on edge of Alderley unveiled

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A proposal has been put together for a new country park to be built on Green Belt land between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow.

Val Sims and her two brothers Alan and Dudley Wain, who own approximately 150 acres of land east of the A34 bypass, are wanting to build houses on part of the land to the north of Heyes Lane in return for creating 'The Meadows' between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow.

The document states that "the consideration of the land to offer a new open space and associated development has been triggered by the publication of the 'Draft Wilmslow Vision' which is intended to provide an evidence base for CEC to consider when developing the new Cheshire East Local Plan".

The siblings met with Cllr Michael Jones and CEC officers to explore the possibility of transferring a large part of this land to the Council for a country park to be created, in return for allowing them to use the rest of the Green Belt land for housing, earlier in the year, although at that stage there was no formal proposal.

According to the proposal "the creation of a new Country Park in this location would enable development at the fringes of Wilmslow and Alderley Edge to be balanced with the creation of a new area of 'Local Green Space', which could also be used to safeguard the openness of the Green Belt landscape between the two settlements, providing a permanent green break".

The proposed country park covers an area of approximately 100 acres to the north of Heyes Lane, south of the A34 bypass and east of the railway line.

The site comprises of ten fields and was formerly used as pasture, but with increasing levels of public access it is now used to grow grass crops to produce silage.

Plans for 'The Meadows' include a community woodland providing an educational and recreational resource, lakes and boardwalks, grassland trails and wildflower meadows as well as an area for green gym sessions and outdoor fitness.

The country park will also incorporate a wooded hiking trail, a network of cycle tracks and footpaths, educational interpretation books and there is also the provision for allotment plots.

Alderley Edge Parish Council discussed the plans to create a country park on Green Belt land between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow at last night's meeting.

They had received a letter from HOW Planning, sent on behalf of the land owners, requesting a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss the potential country park. However, councillors decided at the meeting on Monday, 10th September, that they were not interested in meeting to discuss the proposal.

Cllr Sue Joseph suggested "Would it not be a good idea to go and hear what they have to say, simply to have as much information as possible."

Cllr Joseph Bergin responded "I think it is a complete waste of time, I could not be in support of it so why set their expectations."

Cllr Mike Williamson commented "My concern would be that CEC might think we would be interested in doing a deal which might encourage them to consider it."

Cllr Frank Keegan added "If any housing is to built anywhere around Alderley Edge then we would require a substantial amount of money for Alderley Edge Parish Council to use within the village."

Richard Barton, of HOW Planning, said "We have prepared the country park document to encourage discussion and to demonstrate how such a proposal could come forward for the benefit of residents of both Alderley Edge and Wilmslow. It would be an appropriate use of the Green Belt and would help to provide accessible, usable green space between the two settlements.

"The potential residential land to the south is included within Cheshire East Council's housing land availability assessment as a developable site, so it is therefore only right to show how the country park relates to this potential development.

"Our door remains open to discuss these proposals."

The document states "The next stages will involve consultation with the local community, Town and Parish Councils and Cheshire East Council to obtain support for the proposals and to seek further ideas from those who could assist in the delivery, funding and management of this new Country Park."

Click here to view the document showing proposals for a new country park called 'The Meadows'.

What do you think about the prospect of having a large country park built on green belt land between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow? Share your views via the comment box below.

Country Park, Parish Council, Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Gillian Martin
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 3:45 pm
Whatever the merits of this scheme (and I'm inclined to be in favour of it, despite the apparent absence on the map of the proposed housing development), I am amazed that some of our parish councillors have such closed minds that they refuse even to learn more about the proposal.
Clive Elliott
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 4:17 pm
I agree with Gillian. Scale of proposed housing development looks indicatively to be a concern if I've interpreting the maps correctly, but if this can be addressed reasonably then what a fantastic community facility opportunity, though many questions would still need answering eg who pays for the country park maintenance. I suspect there would be many objections to be overcome (including my own concerns) before it could be considered viable, but surely worthy of exploration otherwise the PC could be accused of sitting on its hands (which would be a shame given its excellent work on other issues).
Terry Bowes
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 5:17 pm
Very nice map,looks good,lets have a revised version with the housing development included on it.
Ricky Lee
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 5:31 pm
It looks good. Wonder if they can add 'Green' parking spaces and cycling lanes.
Fenton Simpson
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 5:57 pm
Reading this I was wondering if the word allotment would appear.. Oh it does, all part of the grand plan to move all allotment sites "outside" the village?

As prevous people have posted already where are the houses and where is the running cost figures for the next 10 years say?
Erica Maslen
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 6:26 pm
As one of the 4 home-owners whose houses sit between Heyes Lane and the proposed new housing (I think not shown on the map, but it is clear where it would be) I feel saddened by this further erosion of our green space around the village. Knowing who owns all the adjacent properties though I fear it is only a matter of time...
Mark Dermody
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 8:58 pm
I am still trying to work out what this plan is giving us over and above what we have already? This is a proposed Disneyfication of natural countryside! The total aim of this document and the whole offer is to pull the wool over people's eyes and hide greedy property developers desire to get rich quick.
Mark Dermody
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 9:59 pm
One other thing, where are the houses proposed to be built? The article says north of Heyes Lane, is it around the area marked "playing fields"?
Malcolm McClean
Tuesday 11th September 2012 at 11:15 pm
Cllr Frank Keegan added "If any housing is to built anywhere around Alderley Edge then we would require a substantial amount of money for Alderley Edge Parish Council to use within the village."

This seems to suggest that all you need to erode the greenbelt is 'a substantial amount of money'. Noble principles seem to be for sale to the highest bidder.
Sandra Reynolds
Wednesday 12th September 2012 at 6:54 am
Section106 agreements are the nearest thing to a legal bribe there is - it happens all the time - all rather murky I feel.
And a country park......what is that? Open space for people to enjoy, walk dogs etc - sorry but can't we do that already? - several footpaths cross the land.
Frank Keegan
Wednesday 12th September 2012 at 8:39 am
Mr McClean,

The history of planning is that S106 means a comparatively small amount of money is paid to the Council - in this case Cheshire East - and that money would PROBABLY be spent in Crewe. So the pain could be taken in Alderley Edge, and the gain could be 30 miles away in Nantwich.

My view of Localism is that IF there is an additional strain on local resources (schools, roads, medical) then a substantial amount has to be paid by the developer in order to ensure that local resources do not diminish at the cost of developer profit.

Do I want a country park? NO, I want a new school, I want the pavements all over the village to be repaired, and I want an upgraded Festival Hall which would support the local community.

It seems to me that the role of an elected Councillor is to try and protect local facilities.
Malcolm McClean
Wednesday 12th September 2012 at 11:48 am
I agree with you Frank regarding keeping the money in the area when developments happen, but I thought that green belt was sacrosanct except in exceptional circumstances. With lots of houses on the market and lots of new developments outside of greenbelt I don't see that there are any exceptional circumstances. This country park is just a trojan horse. The prospective developers have done a simple financial equation. According to a report in last weeks Sunday Times green belt land is worth about £7,000 an acre so they are giving up just over £1 million worth of land that few people would want to buy anyway. With planning permission on the developable bit (we are not told how much this is, but lets just say 50 acres) the value becomes £200,000 an acre ie £10 million. The country park is a small price for the developer to pay to turn a tract of land with nominal market value into £10 million.

With the Government preparing to relax the Greenbelt policy its important that we don't get hoodwinked into becoming a suburb of Manchester and losing our distinctive identity.
Michael Morgan
Wednesday 12th September 2012 at 1:12 pm
s106 agreements wouldn't necessarily come into force in this instance, however, I suspect the new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) might. Effectively the same as a s106, but the money stays within the community. Alternatively Tax Increment Funding (TIF) which has a large benefit to the Local Authority might - consider the extra income from the Council Tax from extra housing. Having said that, I completely disagree with this proposal. The aim of this proposal is "to safe guard the openness of the Green Belt" - surely that is the aim of the Green Belt itself. Alderley Edge and Wilmslow are surrounded by beautiful areas of open countryside and country parks which are easily accessible. This simply looks like a case of a property developer trying to pull the wool over our eyes - "I know, I'll give them 150 acres of land which doesn't earn much, in return for permission to develop a section of the Green Belt which will provide me with a nice healthy profit".
Mark Duffy
Monday 17th September 2012 at 1:10 pm
Alderley Edge needs some councillors that work for the good of the community, and not hand in hand with developers. All they do is give away the communities assets, even if they are in trust or protected. I think we need some transparency, maybe there needs to be an independent system of accountability. Green belt should NEVER be turned into housing estates, why not start farming the land again. The reason this countries in the trouble it is, is because corrupt politicians with no grasp of real life have given away all our industry. And as for the new bypass, why only two lanes instead of four??? easier to put roundabouts on ready for the new housing estates I think!
Marc Asquith
Monday 17th September 2012 at 9:54 pm
Sometimes the conspiracy theorists are not sophisticated - they are just mad. Why two lanes for the bypass ? The labour government was totally opposed to increasing road capacity so in order to qualify for funding, any bypass had simply to provide the same capacity but not through the village. That is why the Dual Carriageway plan was rejected for funding and why the single carriageway plan was granted funding.

As the County Councillor who took the Bypass through its last 10 years - up to the start of construction - I went through all these details.

The one central promise made by all Councillors, County, Borough, Parish and CE was that they would always oppose any ribbon development along the line of the bypass. So far we have defeated the Tesco / Dobbies plan. We all need to remain alert and active in respect of any proposals for development. Of course, this development looks like it is beside the older existing Wilmslow bypass which is already dual carriageway.

Really, it is better to keep conspiracy theories to yourself.
Mark Duffy
Tuesday 18th September 2012 at 11:42 am
Hi Marc

Print this conversation off, and read it again in 10 years time, and we will see who's MAD. Its definately not me. If proper systems were in place everyone would not need to "remain alert and active".
Fiona Braybrooke
Wednesday 19th September 2012 at 3:17 pm
Hmmm I guess we really need a Country Park! Has Alderley Edge been moved to another location or is it just not big enough! A totally crazy idea. But then this is Alderley Edge.