The children and staff at Alderley Edge Community Primary School held a special picnic on the playground today (Friday, 20th May) to start their celebrations for Her Majesty The Queen's, Platinum Jubilee.
They were joined by Welsh Guard Fusilier, Rob Richardson, who entertained the children with his drumming.
During the celebration, the children performed their Platinum Jubilee songs and year six children read aloud a letter of thanks they had especially written to Queen Elizabeth.
Together, the whole school created a special Jubilee piece of art work. Every child in school contributed a single painted stone. The message was that, individually each stone did not create anything in particular but together all the stones made a fabulous piece of art work for the Jubilee, thus demonstrating that together we can, 'Make a Difference.'
Finally, the School Councillors planted a special Jubilee Tree, donated to school by Ebony Errington-Beech, a former pupil known for her amazing poetry and environmental work.
Mrs Walsh, Head Teacher, said, 'We are delighted to share with our community this special event of national significance. Our children are on their school holidays for the actual Jubilee celebrations in June. As a school we wanted to teach our children about the importance of this national event and give our thanks to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, for the dedication and service she has given the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
"The children have thoroughly enjoyed their Jubilee celebrations so far and are looking forward to celebrating with their families and friends on the bank holiday weekend in June. We know that they now have a much better understanding of the importance of this event and hope they have many treasured memories for the future.'